Auto Theft Prevention
You can take an active role in preventing auto theft in your community!
Participate in prevention first. Some proven tips and ideas:
- Locking all doors of the vehicle and rolling up windows, and never leaving the keys in the car.
- Parking in well-lit and busy areas.
- Remove all valuables in sight, including car stereos.
- Don't "advertise" that you have a state of the art stereo or exhaust system.
In addition to these ideas you can also:
- Install a visible locking device or alarm.
- Install a "Disabler" device.
- Etch the VIN number on vehicle windows.
- Install an electronic tracking system.
- Carry the registration with you.
Additional information can be obtained from the Sonoma County - Auto Theft Task Force.
If you suspect anybody or a specific location of being involved in auto theft call the Sonoma County Auto Theft Task Force at 1-800-TELLCHP. You may remain anonymous.
If a theft is currently in progress, call the Petaluma Police Department using 911. If the crime is not in progress, or to recieve more prevention information please call the Petaluma Police Dept. at 778-4372.

There are many things you can do to stay safe.
by Lieutenant Ed Crosby