Petaluma Policing
The success of our community rests in the success of our residents, businesses, schools, churches, community organizations and our social service providers, to name a few.
The success of our community also rests in the success of the Petaluma Police Department. It is only through collaboration and mutual respect among our employees, residents, businesses and visitors that we can maintain and improve the quality of life that Petaluma richly enjoys.
We are convinced that a collaborative approach to what we call “Petaluma Policing” will be the foundation upon which we build this Department into the future.
Principals of Petaluma Policing:
- Pursuing excellence in everything we say, do and promote; it is the pursuit of excellence in our words, deeds and practices.
- Proactively assessing issues, solving problems thoughtfully and comprehensively and fighting crime.
- Fighting Crime in an action oriented and results focused manner with special focus on violent crimes, gang activity, illicit drugs and financial losses from property crimes.
- Using our best thinking and intelligence led policing when fighting crime. Using historical information and street level knowledge to inform our actions. Getting this data in the hands of our front line troops to make our community safer and produce measurable results.
- Our work is community centric. Our organization exists to serve our community.
- Finding ways to connect with our residents, businesses, and visitors through our service to the community.
- Looking for innovative ways to leverage existing resources to benefit more than we can individually.
- Improving our community’s quality of life. Nurturing and enhancing the rich history and amenities Petalumans have come to enjoy.

Exciting things are happening in Petaluma and the police department will be a partner in helping the city thrive, safely and successfully.
Police Chief Ken Savano