Planning Zoning Codes and Maps

Zoning Codes and maps inform Planning staff of what specific activities can be done on a property and where. If you are on this page to look up the zoning for a specific property, you should start with our Zoning Map. Once you know the Zoning District, you can find the requirements in the Implementing Zoning Ordinance (IZO), SmartCode, or if applicable, the related Planned Unit/Community District (PUDs and PCDs).


This link will take you to a GIS version of the Zoning Map. From there you can look up the Zoning District for a specific parcel. Generally, properties are subject to the regulations established in the IZO. However, be mindful of zoning district overlays that apply additional requirements beyond the base zoning designation. For example, your property may be in the R2 Zoning District, but if it's in a Historic District, there will be special requirements relating to the historic nature of the property and it's neighborhood. Also, a property that is within a Planned Unit District (PUD) or Planned Community District (PCD) will have requirements specific to these districts.



On May 19, 2008, the City Council adopted the Implementing Zoning Ordinance (IZO) to replace the zoning ordinance that was originally adopted in 1973. The intent of the IZO is to provide immediate consistency between the General Plan 2025 that also was adopted on May 19, 2008 and the City's zoning regulations. The IZO includes zoning districts, development standards, and uses consistent with the General Plan 2025 and regulations from the previous zoning ordinance that remain applicable, such as signs, performance standards, and parking. In order to implement General Plan 2025 goals and policies related to hillside development and trees, the IZO also includes Hillside Protection and Tree Preservation chapters.

The IZO implements the goal and polices of the General Plan 2025 by classifying and regulating the uses of land and structures within the City. The IZO includes regulations for the following:

  • permitted, conditional, accessory and prohibited uses of land and structures
  • building location and height
  • parking requirements
  • signs

Pursuant to IZO §1.050.A, if the Director determines that the meaning or applicability of any Zoning Ordinance requirement is subject to interpretation, the Director may issue an official interpretation.

Recent interpretations:

Zoning Code Interpretation 2023-01 – Density Bonus Application (compliance with State provisions); Chapter 27

Zoning Code Interpretation 2023-02 – Rainwater Storage Tanks (setbacks); Chapter 12, Table 12.1


This document provides detailed regulations for development and new land uses within the Transect Zones established by the Central Petaluma Specific Plan (CPSP), and describes how these regulations will be used as part of the City’s development review process. These regulations are provided in the form of a “Smart Code." This Code is intended to ensure that all new buildings within the CPSP area are harmonious with each other and within the character of Petaluma.

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