215 Water Street

Aerial picture of 215 Water Street
Site plan map
Street view of 215 Water Street

Project Description

The Project requests Historic Site Plan and Architectural Review approval for remodel and repair of the subject property’s existing rear façade facing North Water Street, including structural repairs of brick and stone, replacement of existing stairs and landing, and rehabilitation, replacement, removal of windows and doorways, and installation of a new awning. The proposal includes minor changes to the south elevation near the eastern façade (Washington Street) and no changes to the west elevation (Petaluma Boulevard North). Minor site improvements would be implemented in the existing parking area, including a fenced-in patio area, stairs and accessible ramps, and an improved trash enclosure. The proposal is also seeking a warrant to reduce the ground level transparency from the required 75 percent to 33 percent. Compliance with the transparency requirement would require greater modifications to the existing historic building that would require further removal of historic materials; as such, the applicant is seeking a warrant from this requirement.

Project Details

APN(s): 006-284-041, 006-284-040
Main Address: 215 Water Street
Zoning: T5
File Number: PLMA-20-0017
Applicant: Kerman Morris Architects
Toby Morris
[email protected]

Public Meetings and Hearings

City Contact

Planning Division
[email protected]
11 English Street
Petaluma, CA

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