Creekwood Housing Development


The Creekwood Housing Development would involve the construction of 59 dwellings on a 5.1-acre site (parcel #017-040-051 & #017-040-016). To prepare the site for this development, the dwelling at 280 Casa Grande would be demolished and the dwelling at 270 Casa Grande would remain, but the lot area for this dwelling would be reduced. The site would be graded to create street improvements and elevated building pads for new dwellings, and new bio-retention/floodwater basins would connect to Adobe Creek on the adjacent City-owned parcel to the east (parcel #017-041-042). The project also proposes to construct a pedestrian pathway adjacent to Adobe Creek to connect to the Makenna Subdivision that abuts the site to the south, and, potentially in the future, connect to the Casa Grande Senior Apartments to the north. The proposed pedestrian pathway would also connect to a new pedestrian bridge (also located on the City-owned parcel to the east) over Adobe Creek to connect this site and the residential areas west of Adobe Creek with the existing pathways and residential areas to the east on Spyglass Road. Vehicular, emergency, and pedestrian access would be provided from Casa Grande Road via a new private street. All new dwellings would be sold as condominiums. 

Environmental Review Status

The Creekwood Housing Development is subject to discretionary review and is thus subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). No prior environmental review has been conducted that considered project-level or site-level impacts. However, the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) prepared for the City’s General Plan assessed impacts citywide at the programmatic level, including the subject project site. To comply with CEQA, an EIR will be prepared. To inform the scope of the EIR, on October 21, 2022, the City released an Environmental Initial Study & Notice of Preparation (NOP). 

The Initial Study created for this project reviewed the possible effects to all resource areas named in Appendix G of the CEQA Guidelines. Based upon the analysis contained in the Initial Study, it was anticipated that the EIR will not need to further address the CEQA topics of Aesthetics, Agriculture and Forestry Resources, Air Quality, Cultural Resources, Energy, Geology and Soils, Hazards and Hazardous Materials, Land Use and Planning, Mineral Resources, Noise, Population and Housing, Public Services, Recreation, Tribal Cultural Resources, Utilities and Service Systems, and Wildfire. 

The City held a scoping meeting that was open to the public on November 14, 2022. The NOP-scoping comment period started on October 21, 2022, and ended on November 21, 2022. When the draft EIR is ready for release, a new public comment period will commence, and the public will be notified.  

The Notice of Preparation and Environmental Initial Study (w/appendices) are available here:  

Initial Study Appendices: 

Appendix A - Construction Health Risk and Greenhouse Gas Assessment
Appendix B - Geotechnical Investigation and Addendum 

Appendix C - Phase I Environmental Site Assessment
Appendix D - Noise and Vibration Assessment 

Project Details

APN(s): 017-040-051, 017-040-016 & 017-410-042 
Address: 270 & 280 Casa Grande Avenue
Zoning: R4 (Residential 4) & OSP (Open Space-Park) 
File Number: PLSR-2021-0030
Applicant Contact: Doyle Heaton
Falcon Point Associates, LLC
3496 Buskirk Avenue, Suite 104
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
[email protected]

Project Documents

Public Meetings and Hearings

Staff Contact

Greg Powell
Principal Planner
M-Group Consulting Planner
Serving the City of Petaluma
[email protected]

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