Deer Creek 2 – SPAR Application for 80 Dwellings

Project Site Location

Building Concept

Site Plan (Click to Enlarge)

Project Description

The Deer Creek 2 Apartments project would include 80 apartments within 4 three-story buildings on approximately 6.7 acres of undeveloped land. Automobile, pedestrian, bike, and emergency access would be provided via an extension of Rainer Avenue from the current terminus approximately 800 feet northeast of the project site (under Highway 101), and via a new road to be constructed on the adjacent parcel (parcel #136-100-025) and a new bridge over Lynch Creek to be constructed on Sonoma Water Land (parcel #136-100-028) to connect to Burlington Drive to the southeast. Project details include: 

  • 16 below-market-rate units, or 20% of the total units (8 to be provided to Very-Low Income Households and 8 to be provided to Low Income Households); 
  • 157 automobile parking spaces to be provided in garages, carports, or as uncovered parking spaces; and 
  • 70 parking spaces to be EV ready or to be provided with EV chargers.  

Environmental Review Status

The Deer Creek 2 Apartments project is subject to discretionary review and is thus subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). No prior environmental review has been conducted that considered project-level or site-level impacts. However, the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) prepared for the City’s General Plan assessed impacts citywide at the programmatic level, including the subject project site. To comply with CEQA, an EIR will be needed. The City will soon release a Request for Proposal (RFP) to obtain a scope of work and cost estimate to prepare an EIR, and related technical studies to support the EIR. 


Project Status

The City reviewed the initial SPAR application submitted on August 9, 2023, and the applicant’s resubmittals on February 2, 2024, June 3, 2024 and September 20, 2024, to deem each submittal incomplete and unready for processing. On January 21, 2025, the City received new and revised application materials, and on February 20, 2025, the City deemed the application complete. Each letter released by the City in response to the applicant’s submittals may be viewed below: 

Project Details

APN(s): 007-391-005 & 136-100-025/136-100-028
Address: Not Assigned
Zoning: C2 (Commercial 2) & R4 (Residential 4)/OSP (Open Space-Park)
File Number: PLSR-2023-0013
Applicant: Mark Johnson
J Cyril Johnson Investment Corp.
125 Willow Road
Menlo Park, CA 94025
[email protected]

Project Documents

Public Meetings and Hearings

  • Planning Commission - TBD
  • City Council -  TBD

Staff Contact

Greg Powell
Principal Planner
M-Group Consulting Planner serving the City of Petaluma
[email protected]


Planning Division
11 English Street
Petaluma, CA

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