Kenilworth Playground Public Art

Project Summary

The Petaluma Public Art Committee (PPAC) and the Petaluma Parks and Recreation Department are coordinating efforts to reimagine Kenilworth Park.  

When the PPAC learned that Parks was initiating the Kenilworth Revitalization Project to provide a complete renovation of Kenilworth Park, it was clear this was an ideal situation to combine resources. The Kenilworth Playground Public Art Project was born of a desire to invest in Public Art that inspires play, creativity, and interaction.  

The PPAC has performed community outreach to identify what the collective hopes and goals are for the playground and park. A Call for Artists was sent out through a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to work with a designer/ artist to take the public's feedback and imagine a functional playground-artwork. The outcome of the RFQ was a contract awarded to Bay Area artist, Oleg Lobykin, to design a selection of works for the site Community outreach and events continue to shape the project. Fill out the form on the right-hand side of the page to sign up for project updates.


The Petaluma Public Art Committee (PPAC) has expressed interest in investing in our local parks and playgrounds. There has also been a desire to collaborate with community partners to elevate projects through shared priorities and goals. The opportunity to join forces with the Petaluma Parks and Recreation Department on The Kenilworth Park Revitalization Project inspired the PPAC to create The Kenilworth Playground Public Art Project to support bringing interactive and play-inspired public art to the park. This holistic approach will incorporate art, play, nature and community input.

The City of Petaluma has partnered with MIG, a Bay Area firm, to lead the design of the Kenilworth Park Revitalization Project. The revitalization project is funded by Measure M and Proposition 68 funds. The PPAC has contracted with artist, Oleg Lobykin to design public art for the site. In support of the shared investment, there have been meetings, surveys, and community outreach. Together, we will create a Kenilworth Park that represents the unique desires and creativity of our community.


The process for selecting an artist to create the Kenilworth Playground Public Art involved several layers of consideration and outreach. Members of the PPAC identified goals, objectives and inspiration for their vision of what this project could be. Money was allocated for community engagement and collaboration with the Recreation and Parks Department and the park designers, MIG. Staff generated a community engagement survey, which provided valuable input for shaping the project and the qualifications that would be required from the artist/ designer of the project. A request for qualifications (RFQ) was sent out and twenty-four artist/ designers applied. After reviewing and scoring each application based on the priorities and goals for the project, East Palo Alto artist Oleg Lobykin was contracted to design the Kenilworth Playground Public Art.


The Kenilworth Playground Public Art Project is guided by engagement. The works will reflect shared community voices as interpreted by artist Oleg Lobykin. The art will inspire all visitors to engage not just as viewers, but as creatives, imaginers, climbers and players. Visitors are encouraged to interact and access the works on a level not typically available with Public Art. This art is for play.


Throughout the process of realizing the Kenilworth Playground Public Art Project, the PPAC and staff have sought to engage community members. They have conducted a survey, hosted opportunities at the Tuesday Farmer’s Market, and continue to have a presence at community events. The voices shared have helped shape and guide the development of the project, the scope and the selection of the artist. The City, the Recreation and Parks Department, park designers MIG and the RMPC have shared in taking a community generated approach to developing park designs, as well. Their approach has included workshops, surveys, mailers and outreach events. There will be more opportunities to share your voice as this shared project continues to develop.

Project Details

Title: Kenilworth Playground Public Art
Artist: Oleg Lobykin
Location:  100 Fairgrounds
Date: 2022 - present
Medium:  GFRC

Project Documents

Kenilworth Park CIP Cover 900x510

Staff Contact

Melissa Abercrombie
Public Art Specialist
[email protected]


Planning Division
11 English Street
Petaluma, CA



February 2022: PPAC outreach identified an opportunity to create play related interactive public art at Kenilworth Park as part of a larger renovation of the site led primarily by the Parks and Recreation Department and the Recreation, Music, & Parks Commission (RMPC).  

March 24, 2022: The PPAC had a brainstorming session on the topic of creating a playground public artwork at the Kenilworth Park site. Staff presented examples of other ‘playground-meets-public-art’ projects provided by committee members. 

April 2022: Staff generated a project concept for the Kenilworth Playground Public Art opportunity. 

July 2022: The initial draft of the project concept was presented at the PPAC and the Committee provided feedback on the initial draft.  

August 2022: The PPAC approved $5,000 for the first phase of "exploration and discovery" to conduct community engagement in collaboration with the Parks and Recreation department and the Communication team. 

January- March 2023: The community engagement survey is launched to gather feedback from the public about how public art should be integrated into the park and how public art's role can be used to provide play structures, placemaking, and creative inspiration to all users at Kenilworth Park.  

April 24, 2023: The Kenilworth Playground Public Art RFQ was approved by the PPAC. Engagement survey results were included with the RFQ document and were required to be read by each applicant.  The application period for submissions was May 1, 2023 through June 9, 2023.  

June 22, 2023: Based on the PPAC scoring and deliberation, the Committee awarded the project contract for the Kenilworth Playground Public Art Project to Oleg Lobykin. 

November 2023: City Staff, Kenilworth Revitalization Project designers MIG, and artist Oleg Lobykin presented a site plan for feedback from the Recreation, Music, and Parks Commission (RMPC) and the PPAC in a joint session. The City and MIG launched the first community design concept survey to showcase the draft design of the proposed Kenilworth Park site. This survey was online and open until November 30, 2023. Click HERE to view the survey responses.

February 2, 2024: The Kenilworth Park Community Drop-In Event celebrated the proposed redesign of Kenilworth Park. Community members of all ages gathered to see the preliminary park renderings and engage with designers MIG, City Staff and artist Oleg Lobykin. Attendees provided valuable feedback and engaged in creative play! 

Picture of Kenilworth Park sign
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