Magnificent Mural

"Rex Ace Hardware Temporary Mural"

rex ace hardware mural map

Project Site

Magnificent mural off of Petaluma Boulevard

Complete Temporary Mural

Project Summary

The proposed temporary mural was created by local artists Magdalena Gross and Amanda Lynn, who brought this concept to the attention of the Public Art Committee originally in 2019. Working pro-bono for this project, the artists offer this gift to the City of Petaluma in the spirit of celebrating community resilience and inspiring visitors and residents alike to Petaluma’s vibrant downtown. Through this temporary mural, the artists intend to improve the general aesthetic of this site’s surroundings by utilizing this highly visible and highly trafficked downtown site to bring color, joy, and life to the area while no construction or activity has occurred at the adjacent undeveloped site.

The artists have received consent to execute the mural from Jeff Tomasini, owner of the Rex Ace Hardware building, as well as Ross Jones, the site owner at 2 Petaluma Boulevard South, with the understanding that the mural’s duration is contingent on the planned work and construction on Jones’ property, whose construction timeline has yet to be determined. The artists completed work on the mural in February of 2022 and hosted a community engagement activity with the public during the Butter & Egg Days Festival on April 22, 2022. The artists will upkeep maintenance on the mural for the duration that the mural is displayed.

Project Details

Title: Magnificent Mural
Artist: Amanda Lynn and Magdalena Gross
Location:  313 B Street
Date: Spring 2022
Medium:  Temporary Painted Mural: latex, acrylic, and spray paint

Project Documents

Staff Contact

David Ward
Public Art Specialist
[email protected]

Planning Division
11 English Street
Petaluma, CA

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