Senate Bill 9 (SB9) Information and FAQ

Senate Bill 9 (SB 9) 

Senate Bill 9 (SB 9) aims to streamline housing production. Effective January 1, 2022, SB 9 requires all local jurisdictions to *ministerially review up to two residential units on a parcel in a single-family residential zone if the project meets specific objective standards. It also requires jurisdictions to provide ministerial review of a subdivision of one lot into two lots in a single-family residential zone if specific objective standards are met. 

*“Ministerial" means a project must be approved if it complies with objective standards, without any subjective judgment from planners. Ministerial projects are not subject to environmental reviews or public hearings.   

Does my property qualify for an SB 9 project? 

  • The property must comply with all requirements listed below to qualify as an SB 9 project. The parcel must be zoned for single-family residential use RR, R1, R2 or any planned unit development (PUD) that permits single-family dwellings only. (Verify the zoning of a parcel in Petaluma here.) 
  • The proposed project cannot be located within a Historic District. (Verify here.)    
  • The proposed project cannot be located on a property in any of the following areas:  
    • Prime farmland  
    • Wetlands as defined under federal law 
    • Hazardous waste site  
    • Protected species habitat  
    • Lands under a conservation easement  
    • Lands identified for conservation in an adopted natural community conservation plan, habitat conservation plan or other adopted natural resource protection plan  
    • A site containing a historic landmark (Local landmarks can be viewed here)


  • If the parcel is located within the Very High Fire Severity Zone (VHFSZ), it must comply with applicable building standards and state fire mitigation measures. (Verify if your property is in the VHFSZ here.)   
  • If the parcel is located in a special flood hazard area subject to induction by the 1 percent annual chance flood (100-year flood) or regulatory floodway as determined by FEMA (Verify here), the project must meet applicable federal criteria.  
  • If the parcel is located within an earthquake fault zone (Verify here), the project must comply with applicable seismic protection building code standards. 

The project must also comply with City Objective Design and Subdivision Standards as provided in applicable checklists, provided that each lot size is a minimum of 1,200 sf, a minimum of 40% of the original lot and development on each lot contains no more than two primary dwelling units of at least 800 sf each, with setbacks of at least four feet from the rear and side property lines (or none if in an existing structure or new structure built to the same dimensions) 

How do I apply for an SB 9 unit? 

First download and complete an SB 9 Two-Unit Development Checklist and review Building Submittal Requirements here. When ready, submit your application for a Residential - Single Family (if new SB9 unit(s) will be detached) or Residential Multi Family (if SB9 unit(s) will be attached i.e., duplex) through the Permits & Planning Applications Hub. We strongly recommend discussing your potential SB 9 project with a planner before you submit your application. Schedule a 15-minute appointment to speak with a planner here.  

How do I apply for an SB 9 Urban Lot Split? 

Review the SB 9 Urban Lot Split Checklist and Submittal Requirements and submit your application for a Tentative Parcel Map through the Permits & Planning Applications Hub. We strongly recommend discussing your potential SB 9 project with a planner before you submit your application. Schedule a 15-minute appointment to speak with a planner here. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Image of Hillview Oaks residential neighborhood in Petaluma

Questions or Comments?

Please review the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) below to see if the answer to your question is listed. Otherwise, please get in touch with the City of Petaluma Planning Division using the contact information below.

Petaluma City Hall
11 English Street, Petaluma CA 94952
Planning Counter is open to the public 10AM to 3PM, Monday through Thursday. City Hall is closed Fridays.
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