Scannell Mixed Use Development
This project is currently inactive (updated January 16, 2024)
Project Description
Four conceptual development alternatives for the 39.22-acre site between the City’s maintenance yard and the Petaluma River have been developed by Scannell Properties for the City’s consideration. See below for four conceptual alternative graphics (below Project Description).
After Planning Commission study sessions held in November 2021, February 2022, and January 2023, at which Scannell Properties presented detailed design concepts for development of the Project site, the Planning Commission suggested that rather than preparing yet another detailed design concept for the site, the applicant prepare a range of three or four general site layout concepts and hold a community design charette using the general site layout concepts as a starting point for the discussion with the pubic.
Scannell Properties prepared three distinct general site concepts plans and held a well-attended design charrette on March 21, 2023. A fourth concept that incorporates Planning Commission feedback received at the January 2023 study session and public input from the community design charette was prepared.
All four conceptual layouts contain the following land uses: (1) affordable apartments, (2) market-rate apartments (3) for-sale residential units in the form of townhouses, duplexes or cottage homes, (4) approximately 8,000 square feet of commercial retail space, (5) a 3.5-acre community park, (6) a 75-foot wide river greenway with restoration zones, buffer zones and a public trail, (7) a small-watercraft floating dock, and (7) community gardens. The proposed location of the affordable and market-rate apartments and the river/channel greenway is consistent throughout all four alternatives.
The greatest variation is in the placement and configuration of the community park and in the street network in the single-family area. There is also variation among the alternatives in the type of single-family housing, in the placement of the small-craft dock and associated parking, in the location and number of community gardens, and in the location of the commercial /retail space.
Public Meetings and Hearings
- 6/27/2023 - Planning Commission Study Session #3
- 1/24/2023 – Planning Commission Study Session #2
- 2/22/2022 - Planning Commission Study Session #1
- 7/1/2020 - Pedestrian and Bicycle Advisory Committee Meeting
Staff Contact
Emmanuel Ursu
Principal Planner
Project Details
APN(s): | 136-010-024 & 007-171-023 |
Address: | 500 Lakeville Street and 500 Hopper Street |
Zoning: | River Dependent Industrial (D3) |
File Number: | PLMA-20-0001 |
Applicant: | Walker Williams Scannell Properties 3468 Mt. Diablo Boulevard, Suite B-1115 Lafayette, CA 94549 |