Scott Ranch

Project History

A residential development application for the 58.66-acre Scott Ranch property was initially submitted in 2004 by Davidon Homes. In 2013, a Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for a 93-lot subdivision was published and in 2017 a revised DEIR (RDEIR) for a 66-lot subdivision was published. There  was extensive public opposition to both the 93-lot and 66-lot proposals and decision makers directed that a reduced project alternative be pursued.

In June 2018, the Kelly Creek Protection Project (KCPP) of Earth Island Institute announced that it had entered into an agreement with Davidon Homes to develop approximately 44 acres of the project site as an extension to the Helen Putnam Regional Park and put forth the Putnam Park Extension Project. Davidon Homes modified the residential project and proposed a smaller development of 28 single-lot homes on approximately 15 acres of the project site. Together the Davidon (28-Lot) Residential Project component and the Putnam Park Extension Project constitute the Scott Ranch Project. The RDEIR, analyzing the modified project, was published on December 31, 2020. In February and March of 2021, the Planning Commission and City Council considered the RDEIR and directed preparation of a Final EIR (FEIR). In response to comments received on the RDEIR, the proposed project has been further refined to reduce the footprint of the residential component and maximize preservation of open space. The FEIR is available for review and includes the revised Project Description, master response to comments, itemized response to comments, and revisions to the RDEIR.

Project Description

The Scott Ranch project, as currently proposed, includes a 28-lot single-family residential subdivision and approximately 47 acres of open space/parkland, including multi-use trails north and south of Kelly creek connecting the existing barn complex on the east of the site to the existing Helen Putnam Regional Park to the west. Also, part of the project, is an approximately 800-foot offsite sidewalk gap closure on the east side of D Street between Windsor Drive and Sunnyslope Avenue. Additionally, the RDEIR evaluates a related project consisting of a 0.5-mile trail segment providing connectivity from the western limit of the Scott Ranch property to the existing trail system with Helen Putman Regional Park.

The residential project component would be developed with 28 single-family residences, streets, and common open space. The single-family residences would be developed along two new proposed streets- one new street would branch north of Windsor Drive and a second new street would branch south of Windsor Drive. The homes would be arranged in clusters off each of the two proposed streets. Other infrastructure improvements (i.e., roundabout at Windsor Dr. and D Street, sidewalks, Class I pathways, sewer, water, and storm drainage facilities, including detention basins) needed to serve the proposed project would also be constructed.

The Putnam Park Extension Project component would extend the existing Helen Putnam Regional Park eastward to D Street, encompassing approximately 47-acres of the Scott Ranch project site. The existing barn center would be renovated and pathways between the structures, bike parking, information kiosks, vegetable gardens, demonstration and working corrals, and an amphitheater for outdoor learning activities would be developed. Improvements include a multi-use trail loop of approximately 0.7 mile that would run along the north side and south side of Kelly Creek and connect to the adjacent Helen Putnam Regional Park.

The project Applicants have requested the following approvals: (1) a General Plan Amendment to modify and clarify General Plan Policy 2-P-68, (2) Amendment of General Plan Figure 5-2, (3) a rezoning from Residential 1 (R1) to a Planned Unit District (PUD), (4) adoption of Planned Unit Development Plan and Guidelines; and (5) a Vesting Tentative Map to subdivide the project parcels into residential, open space, public access, and parking lots. In addition, Site Plan and Architectural Review (SPAR) will be required for development of the single-family homes, associated landscaping, and lighting in the residential component and for public improvements proposed as part of the Putnam Park Extension Project component.

Public Review and Comment: The RDEIR was circulated for public comment between December 31, 2020, and March 8, 2021.  The Planning Commission considered the RDEIR at the February 9, 2021, hearing and the City Council considered the RDEIR at the March 15, 2021, hearing. The Final EIR is available for review and comment, see below. At the August 9, 2022 Planning Commission meeting, the Commission considered the FEIR, the requested entitlements, received public comment, and made a recommendation to Council. The City Council will consider the Planning Commission recommendation and public comment on February 27, 2023.

Landmark Designation: This project proposes local Landmark Designation for the barn complex consisting of three existing barn structures located on a ± 47-acre portion of Parcel B of the Scott Ranch subdivision project adjacent to Kelly Creek and D Street. More specifically, the barn complex consists of a two-and-a-half-story large barn, a single-story hay barn, and a single-story garage/storage barn that currently exists on the site. This Landmark Designation application responds to the Scott Ranch Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map Project (PLPJ-2022-0002), Conditions of Approval #10, adopted by City Council on February 27, 2023, requiring City Council’s determination of local Landmark Designation of the “red barn complex”, consistent with General Policy 2-P-68 for the preservation of the uniqueness of the property at the intersection of D Street and Windsor Drive (Scott Ranch). Pursuant to Implementing Zoning Ordinance Section 15.040.H.1, the Historic and Cultural Preservation Committee shall make a recommendation to the Planning Commission on the Landmark Designation. An Environmental Impact Report for the Scott Ranch project, inclusive of the local landmark designation, was certified by the City Council on February 27, 2023 (SCH #2004072137).  Additionally, the Project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15308 for Class 8 - Actions by Regulatory Agencies, which includes actions taken by regulatory agencies, to assure protection of the environment, such as landmark designation of a historic resource.

Virtual Site Tour: A virtual site tour can be accessed here.

Project Details

APN(s): 019-120-040 & -041
Address: Windsor Drive and D Street
Zoning: R1
File Number: 03-TSM-0396-CR
Applicant: Davidon Homes, Steve Abbs
1600 S. Main St. Ste 150
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
925 945 8000 x 103
[email protected]


Kelly Creek Protection Project, Greg Colvin
PO Box 2596
Petaluma, CA  94953
[email protected]


Project Documents

Final Environmental Impact Report

3. RDEIR Planned Unit Development Map PDF (4 MB)
4. RDEIR Vesting Tentative Map PDF (3.9 MB)
1. RDEIR Architectural Plans PDF (15 MB)
RDEIR – 0.0 Volume I Cover, Title, TOC PDF (7 MB)
RDEIR – 0.0 Volume II Cover, Title, TOC PDF (7 MB)
RDEIR – 1.0 Introduction PDF (229 KB)
RDEIR – 2.0 Executive Summary PDF (649 KB)
RDEIR – 3.0 Project Description Part 1 PDF (7.9 MB)
RDEIR – 3.0 Project Description Part 2 PDF (995 KB)
RDEIR – 4.0 Environmental Impacts PDF (297 KB)
RDEIR – 4.2 Air Quality PDF (471 KB)
RDEIR – 4.3 Biological Resources PDF (3.3 MB)
RDEIR – 4.4 Cultural Resources PDF (421 KB)
RDEIR – 4.5 Energy PDF (363 KB)
RDEIR – 4.6 Geology and Soils PDF (2.4 MB)
RDEIR – 4.7 Greenhouse Gas Emissions PDF (465 KB)
RDEIR – 4.8 Hydrology and Water Quality PDF (3.2 MB)
RDEIR – 4.9 Land Use and Planning PDF (579 KB)
RDEIR – 4.10 Noise PDF (758 KB)
RDEIR – 4.11 Population and Housing PDF (236 KB)
RDEIR – 4.12 Public Services PDF (347 KB)
RDEIR – 4.13 Transportation PDF (17 MB)
RDEIR – 4.14 Utilities and Service Systems PDF (761 KB)
RDEIR – 4.15 Wildfire PDF (4.4 MB)
RDEIR – 5.0 Alternatives PDF (2.5 MB)
RDEIR – 6.0 Other CEQA PDF (208 KB)
RDEIR – 7.0 Report Preparation PDF (132 KB)
RDEIR – 0.0 Volume III Appendices Cover, TOC PDF (7.1 MB)
RDEIR – Appendix 4.2 Air Quality GHG HRA PDF (1.4 MB)
RDEIR – Appendix 4.3 Biological Resources PDF (2.9 MB)
RDEIR – Appendix 4.6 Geology and Soils PDF (22 MB)
RDEIR – Appendix 4.8 Hydrology and Water Resources PDF (6.5 MB)
RDEIR – Appendix 4.10 Noise PDF (87 KB)
RDEIR – Appendix 4.13 Transportation PDF (6.1 MB)
RDEIR – Appendix 4.15 Wildfire PDF (12 MB)
RDEIR – Appendix 4.4 Cultural and Tribal Resources PDF (2.9 MB)
Notice of Availability/ Planning Commission Hearing on RDEIR PDF (146 KB)
RDEIR – 4.1 Aesthetics PDF (15 MB)
RDEIR – 4.3 Updated Biological Assessment PDF (1.7 MB)
2. RDEIR Concept Design PDF (3.2 MB)
FEIR 0.0 Cover PDF (6.9 MB)
FEIR 0.0 Title and Table of Contents PDF (127 KB)
FEIR 1.0 Introduction and Executive Summary PDF (185 KB)
FEIR 2.0 Revised Project Description PDF (9.4 MB)
FEIR 3.0 Master Responses to Frequent Comments to the RDEIR PDF (26 MB)
FEIR 4.0 Responses to Comments on the Draft EIR – Part I PDF (27 MB)
FEIR 4.0 Responses to Comments on the Draft EIR – Part II PDF (7.5 MB)
FEIR 4.0 Responses to Comments on the Draft EIR – Part III PDF (4.2 MB)
FEIR 4.0 Responses to Comments on the Draft EIR – Part IV PDF (24 MB)
FEIR 5.0 Revisions to the Revised Draft EIR PDF (3 MB)
FEIR Appendix RTC-A Biological PDF (7.8 MB)
FEIR Appendix RTC-B Transportation PDF (20 MB)
FEIR Appendix RTC-C Noise PDF (161 KB)
FEIR Appendix RTC-D Wildfire PDF (12 MB)
Notice of Availability of FEIR and Planning Commission Hearing 7-12-2022 PDF (129 KB)

Revised Draft Environmental Impact Report Documents

1. RDEIR Architectural Plans PDF (15 MB)
2. RDEIR Concept Design PDF (3.2 MB)
3. RDEIR Planned Unit Development Map PDF (4 MB)
4. RDEIR Vesting Tentative Map PDF (3.9 MB)
Notice of Availability/ Planning Commission Hearing on RDEIR PDF (146 KB)
RDEIR – 0.0 Volume I Cover, Title, TOC PDF (7 MB)
RDEIR – 0.0 Volume II Cover, Title, TOC PDF (7 MB)
RDEIR – 0.0 Volume III Appendices Cover, TOC PDF (7.1 MB)
RDEIR – 1.0 Introduction PDF (229 KB)
RDEIR – 2.0 Executive Summary PDF (649 KB)
RDEIR – 3.0 Project Description Part 1 PDF (7.9 MB)
RDEIR – 3.0 Project Description Part 2 PDF (995 KB)
RDEIR – 4.0 Environmental Impacts PDF (297 KB)
RDEIR – 4.1 Aesthetics PDF (15 MB)
RDEIR – 4.10 Noise PDF (758 KB)
RDEIR – 4.11 Population and Housing PDF (236 KB)
RDEIR – 4.12 Public Services PDF (347 KB)
RDEIR – 4.13 Transportation PDF (17 MB)
RDEIR – 4.14 Utilities and Service Systems PDF (761 KB)
RDEIR – 4.15 Wildfire PDF (4.4 MB)
RDEIR – 4.2 Air Quality PDF (471 KB)
RDEIR – 4.3 Biological Resources PDF (3.3 MB)
RDEIR – 4.3 Updated Biological Assessment PDF (1.7 MB)
RDEIR – 4.4 Cultural Resources PDF (421 KB)
RDEIR – 4.5 Energy PDF (363 KB)
RDEIR – 4.6 Geology and Soils PDF (2.4 MB)
RDEIR – 4.7 Greenhouse Gas Emissions PDF (465 KB)
RDEIR – 4.8 Hydrology and Water Quality PDF (3.2 MB)
RDEIR – 4.9 Land Use and Planning PDF (579 KB)
RDEIR – 5.0 Alternatives PDF (2.5 MB)
RDEIR – 6.0 Other CEQA PDF (208 KB)
RDEIR – 7.0 Report Preparation PDF (132 KB)
RDEIR – Appendix 4.10 Noise PDF (87 KB)
RDEIR – Appendix 4.13 Transportation PDF (6.1 MB)
RDEIR – Appendix 4.15 Wildfire PDF (12 MB)
RDEIR – Appendix 4.2 Air Quality GHG HRA PDF (1.4 MB)
RDEIR – Appendix 4.3 Biological Resources PDF (2.9 MB)
RDEIR – Appendix 4.4 Cultural and Tribal Resources PDF (2.9 MB)
RDEIR – Appendix 4.6 Geology and Soils PDF (22 MB)
RDEIR – Appendix 4.8 Hydrology and Water Resources PDF (6.5 MB)
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