Corona Annexation

Project Description

The proposed project does not entail any development proposal or any physical changes to the Project site.  It consists of pre-zoning and annexation into the City of Petaluma five parcels totaling 12.12 acres as follows:

Addresses Proposed Zoning
470 and 498 Corona Road R1, R2, and Floodplain Overlay
496 Corona Road R1 and Floodplain Overlay
520 and 522 Corona Road R1


The proposed zoning districts implement the existing City of Petaluma General Plan land use designations on the Project site.

The Project site is within the City of Petaluma Sphere of Influence and Urban Growth Boundary.

Decisions on annexation applications are made by the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) after the City pre-zones the area to be annexed and subject to City support of the annexation request.

Project Details

APN(s): 137-061-007, ‑008, -009, -010, and -011
Addresses: 470, 496, 498, 520, and 522 Corona Road
Zoning: Currently no City zoning

Existing County Zoning is Diversity Agriculture District, 10 acres per residential unit, Floodplain Combining District, Valley Oak Habitat Combining District (DA B6 10, VOH, F2 on -009, -010, -011)

Proposed zoning is R1, R2 and Floodplain Overlay

File Number: PLMA-19-005
Applicant: Ebby Jebreel, Corona Reality, LLC.

Project Documents

Public Meetings and Hearings

  • Planning Commission - TBD, item postponed from 11/15/22 hearing

Staff Contact

Emmanuel Ursu
Principal Planner
[email protected]

Planning Division
11 English Street
Petaluma, CA

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