Join us this Monday, March 17, for the City Council meeting at which the Council host a public hearing and will consider whether to:

  • Adopt the attached Ordinance No. 2900 N.C.S. Amending Chapter 2 of the IZO to add the Overlay to the list of Overlay Zones provided in Table 2-1 (Zones); Amending Chapter 4 of the IZO to add a Footnote to Tables 4.3 (Allowed Land Uses and Permit Requirements for Mixed Use Zones) and 4.10 (MU1 and MU2 Zone Development Standards) Referencing 2 Section 5.070 of the IZO; and Amending Chapter 5 of the IZO to add Section 5.070 and establish the Overlay Zone and authorize a Zoning Map Amendment to zone applicable parcels,

or if City Council elects to amend the Overlay it is recommended that the City Council:

  • Consider repealing Resolution 2025-022 N.C.S. Concerning a General Plan Amendment to Increase the Allowable Floor Area Ratio (FAR) for Areas Designated Mixed Use (MU) and Located Within the Proposed Downtown Housing & Economic Opportunity Overlay from 2.5 to 6.0, Together with Making CEQA Findings of Fact and Adopting a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the Project, File No: PLPJ-2022-0015 & PLGP-2023-0001 and Consider Re-introduction of an Amended Zoning Overlay Ordinance, File No: PLPJ-2022 and PLZA -2023-0002, and
  • Consider Reintroduction of an Amended Zoning Overlay Ordinance No. 2900 N.C.S.
February 14, 2025: CLICK HERE to view the Final Environmental Impact Review (Final EIR) 
August 23, 2024: CLICK HERE to view the draft EIR (Environmental Impact Review) Document & Appendices.

The City is considering two projects proposed for our downtown area that may impact the community: the Downtown Housing & Economic Opportunity Overlay and the EKN Appellation Petaluma Hotel Project. Read below to learn more about these projects, how they are related, and how the zoning code may sometimes be updated to meet the community’s needs. 


In May 2022, EKN Development Group submitted an application to the City’s Planning Department to build the EKN Appellation Hotel Project at 2 Petaluma Boulevard South. However, as it was originally submitted, the EKN Appellation Hotel project did not comply with current maximum height, maximum lot coverage, or maximum floor area ratios of the City’s General Plan and Implementing Zoning Ordinance.  

When this happens, it is City staff’s job to work with applicants to navigate the City's zoning and requirements. In this case, the Planning Department advised the applicant that, if they wanted to continue with the project as is, they would need to apply for amendments to the General Plan and Zoning Text which would establish new standards under which the project could be reviewed. All costs for this process are paid for by the applicant. 

At the same time, the City realized that our zoning regulations could be inhibiting development that might benefit our economy. Of the legal options available, Staff and the applicant agreed the best tool they could use to address the project’s need for an increased density of land use – and Petaluma’s desire for an economically vibrant downtown protected by historic preservation rules – would be to create the Downtown Housing & Economic Overlay.  


Overlays are often used by cities to update their zoning codes in small areas to encourage development. Cities often do this in areas that are under-utilized to allow for the development of new uses that can respond to the community's needs. Overlays do not change the basic laws of property rights. Property owners still control the use of their parcels, while the overlay serves as a tool for what is permitted on certain parcels.  

In this case, City staff considered that an Overlay could help achieve two objectives for the community beyond consideration of the EKN Appellation project: the first, encourage new businesses to move into Petaluma’s downtown, and second, extend Petaluma’s historic preservation rules to some downtown buildings that are not currently protected by them. 

This particular Overlay considers three areas of Downtown as the potential “Overlay District,” specifically areas that include empty parcels, parking lots, or properties with low intensity   uses. If the Overlay becomes part of our zoning code, it will require that any new construction or alterations to existing buildings that are located within the Commercial Historic District be subject to historical review. It also aims to encourage development within the Overlay with the larger aim of further protecting the aesthetic character of our downtown.  

Elsewhere, Petaluma has used overlays to address the Theatre District, the Flood Plain, the Historic District, and most recently, Mobile Home Parks.  


If the Downtown Housing & Economic Development Overlay is approved, Planning Commission may consider future projects for a Conditional Use Permit within the three sections of downtown covered by the Overlay with these additional considerations: 

  1. Improved housing and economic opportunities: 
    1. Additional building height, from 45’ to 60-75’ if approved through a conditional use permit review process and that provides new community benefits 
    2. Increased lot coverage similar to many other existing downtown buildings 
  1. Stronger historic preservation protections:
    1. Any project within the overlay to have completed a historic resource evaluation 
    2. More community resources 
  1.  Improved walkability with new, wider sidewalks, street trees and other public amenities 
    1. More affordable housing beyond the required minimum of the city’s 15% inclusionary housing program 

Learn more about the Downtown Housing & Economic Development Overlay HERE 

With the adoption of the Overlay by City Council, a project such as the EKN  Appellation Hotel a would require approval of a conditional use permit and Site Plan and Architectural Review permit approved by the Planning Commission and Historic and Cultural Preservation Committee.  


The City would like your comments and suggestions about the scope and content of the EIR, project alternatives, and environmental impacts. For the most up to date information on the projects, please join the email subscriber list on the right side of this page.


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February 2025 FEIR

CLICK HERE to view the Final Environmental Impact Report (Final EIR) Document & Appendices.




August 2024 Draft EIR

CLICK HERE to view the draft EIR (Environmental Impact Review) Document & Appendices.

April 2024 UPDATE

On April 12, 2024, the city shared a Notice of Preparation (NOP) and Initial Study to let the public know that the City of Petaluma will create an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Downtown Housing & Economic Opportunity Overlay / EKN Appellation Hotel Project as required by the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The NOP was sent to the California State Clearinghouse, multiple organizations, and all residents and owners of property within 1,000 feet of the Overlay study area (1,441 mailers) and published in the Argus. The Notice of Preparation is a 30-day comment period starting Friday, April 12th through Monday, May 13, 2024 

The Initial Study created for this project reviewed the possible effects to all the resource areas named in Appendix G of the CEQA Guidelines. The CEQA topics of Air Quality, Agricultural and Forestry Resources, Biological Resources, Greenhouse Gases, Energy, Geology, Hazards and Hazardous Materials, Hydrology and Water Quality, Land Use and Planning, Mineral Resources, Noise, Population and Housing, Public Services, Recreation, Transportation, Utilities and Service Systems, and Wildfire have been selected as less than significant in the Initial Study and will not need additional review in the EIR. The CEQA topics Aesthetic Resources, Cultural Resources, and Tribal Cultural Resources, will need more study in the EIR. The EIR will also have other CEQA-required sections and alternatives.

The Initial Study can be found HERE.

The Notice of Preparation (NOP) can be found HERE.

The Community Notice of Preparation (NOP) that was published in the Argus and sent to California State Clearinghouse, multiple organizations, and all residents and owners of property within 1,000 feet of the Overlay study area as (1,441 mailers) can be found HERE.

May 2024 UPDATE

The City of Petaluma Planning Division held a public scoping meeting on Wednesday, May 1, 2024, between 5:15PM and 6:15PM to collect more information and comments from public agencies and the general public about the areas of the Draft EIR to study the Downtown Housing & Economic Opportunity Overlay/ EKN Appellation Hotel Projects. The scoping meeting was held at the Petaluma Community Center, Conference Room #2, at 320 North McDowell Boulevard, Petaluma. 

February 2024 UPDATE

Following the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) process by the City, FirstCarbon Solutions was selected to create the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for both the proposed EKN Appellation Hotel and the Downtown Housing & Economic Opportunity Overlay.

January 2024 UPDATE

After listening to community feedback, EKN agreed to proceed with an Environmental Impact Report (EIR), both for their proposed EKN Appellation Hotel and a Downtown Housing & Economic Opportunity Overlay that proposes to create more redevelopment opportunities in key downtown corridors.

As lead agency, the city has moved forward with an RFP (Request for Proposal) to select and directly manage the EIR consultant and oversee the environmental review process that will include a number of opportunities for public input. We expect this work to be completed by Fall 2024.

We hope the EIR will help the city and the community better understand the possible impacts of the hotel and the Overlay, and we look forward to sharing what we learn later this summer.

EKN Rendering from the viewpoint of Wild Goat

EKN APPELLATION HOTEL PROJECT (The image above is a rendering.)


Click HERE to view ALL the supporting documents pertaining to both the Downtown Housing & Economic Opportunity Overlay & EKN Appellation Hotel projects.


Staff Contact Information

Greg Powell
Principal Planner
[email protected]

Isabel Castellano
Preservation Specialist
[email protected]

Planning Division
11 English Street
Petaluma, CA

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