D Street Traffic Calming Pilot Project

Project Description

The D Street Traffic Calming Pilot Project is a temporary street redesign effort to slow traffic and create safer conditions for people walking, bicycling, and driving on this busy corridor. The pilot project will feature the following enhancements on D Street from Petaluma Boulevard South to Windsor Drive.

  • Traffic calming and pedestrian enhancements, including speed reduction markings, bulb-outs, and median crosswalk islands
  • New crosswalks at Laurel Ave. and 10th Street
  • New and enhanced bike lanes along D Street between Petaluma Boulevard South and the city limits

Click HERE to view a digital version of the D Street Traffic Calming Pilot Project Guide. Haga clic AQUÍ para ver el guia en Español.

Timing & Construction Impacts

The pilot project will be installed in later this summer. Construction of the pilot is expected to take approximately two weeks, with two-way traffic maintained throughout the installation. We will keep our D Street neighbors and our entire community updated throughout this process.

How can I share my thoughts about the pilot project?

Please share you input with our project team in one of the following ways:

  • Fill out the form on this webpage.
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Call 707-778-4303 and explain you’d like to share feedback about the D Street Pilot Project.

Project Location

Petaluma Boulevard South to City Limits

Timeline/Project Status

  • October 18, 2022: Community Workshop #1
  • November 2, 2022: Presentation to the Pedestrian & Bicycle Advisory Committee
  • Winter - Spring 2023: Quick-Build Design
  • April 26, 2023: Community Workshop #2 (Review Proposed Quick-Build Design)
  • Summer 2024: Phase I Quick-Build Installation
  • 2025: Sewer and Water Main Replacement Projects (Petaluma Boulevard South to Sunnyslope Avenue/El Rose Drive)
  • 2026 (pending funding): Road Reconstruction Project (Petaluma Boulevard South to City Limits)


Funding for the Quick-Build project will come from Traffic Mitigation Impact Fees and Street Maintenance funds.

BID Details


D Street FAQ's

A “pilot project” is a time-limited or short-term street redesign effort to test ways to improve conditions on a street using roadway markings, signage, and other low-cost elements. A pilot project gives the community a chance to experience and provide feedback on proposed changes. City engineers and police will use this opportunity to gather additional safety data and refine the design as needed prior to making longer-term changes using concrete and other fixed objects.

D Street was identified as a bike route in our current Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan and has been selected as an ideal candidate for a pilot project due to an upcoming utility and paving project scheduled for 2026. This presents a unique opportunity to make long-term changes to the street design of an important arterial roadway used by many in our community.

The pilot project design was developed following a robust community engagement effort over the past two years that included multiple rounds of community workshops and surveys, as well as Council feedback and approval in spring of 2024. Our team of licensed traffic engineers, designed a pilot project that addressed the top priorities we heard from the community:
  1. Slow traffic
  2. Improve pedestrian crossings
  3. Improve bicycling conditions

The pilot project adheres to state and federal traffic engineering design requirements and best practices for “complete streets,” which seek to safely accommodate several uses (in this case, people walking, bicycling, and driving). Unfortunately, due to the somewhat narrow width of D Street, it was not feasible to retain on-street parking on both sides of the street while also providing bike lanes and vehicle lanes in both directions.

We will provide opportunities for the community to give feedback throughout the duration of the pilot project. Findings from the pilot project (including community feedback and data collected before and during) will be presented to City Council for their consideration prior to implementation of the utility and road reconstruction project.
This project was identified in our in our current ped/bike plan from 2012(?) and the timing of this pilot is due to the upcoming work.

Parking will be removed along various portions of D Street to accommodate new and enhanced bike lanes (see map below). You will see the addition of road striping to indicate the new bike lanes and will see red paint and/or signage to indicate areas where parking is prohibited.

We are aware the changed parking conditions will be an adjustment. We have closely studied the corridor to ensure all properties adjacent to any parking removal have driveways and are located proximate to a side street with on-street parking and/or a crosswalk.

On-street parking will be available in the following areas along the D Street corridor:

  • The outbound (away from downtown) direction between 1) El Rose Drive and 1290 D Street and 2) Laurel Avenue and 8th Street.
  • The inbound (towards downtown) direction between 8th Street and 4th Street.

D Street Parking Map Illustration

Per the California Vehicle Code*, it is illegal to drive in a bike lane, except under the following circumstances:

  1. To park where parking is permitted.
  2. To enter or leave the roadway.
  3. To prepare for a turn within a distance of 200 feet from the intersection.

Please do not stop, stand, or park in areas where parking is prohibited, except to pull safely to the side of the road for emergency vehicles to pass.

Please follow these guidelines anywhere you see red curbs and/or signage indicating the presence of a bike lane and/or an area where parking is prohibited. Property owners seeking to implement home or yard improvement projects that could temporarily block the bike lane should apply for an encroachment permit at cityofpetaluma.org/permits or at the new Permit Center located in the Building and Planning department at City Hall (11 English Street), Monday-Thursday between 9 AM-4 PM.
*The California Vehicle Code applies to all private vehicles, including delivery drivers, taxicabs/ride share drivers, and service workers.

Delivery drivers and service workers can continue to park in driveways of homes on D Street, as well as in available parking spaces on D Street or on nearby side streets. Areas where parking is prohibited will be clearly marked by red curbs and/or signage.

If you live along a section of D Street without on-street parking, place choose one of the following locations to place your garbage bins:

  1. (Preferred) On top of the curb within the “landscaping strip,” between the curb and sidewalk (as shown in the rendering below), leaving the sidewalk clear.
  2. Flush against the curb within the bike lane.
Please note the California Vehicle Code prohibits placing any object in the bike lane that impedes safe passage for people biking.
If you live along a section of D Street with on-street parking, please place your garbage bins within the parking lane, leaving the bike lane clear.
The pilot project design was developed following a robust community engagement effort over the past two years that included multiple rounds of community workshops and surveys, as well as Council feedback and approval in spring of 2024. Our team of licensed traffic engineers designed a pilot project that addressed the top priorities we heard from the community:

  1. Slow traffic
  2. Improve pedestrian crossings
  3. Improve bicycling conditions
Below is a history of the community engagement conducted for the project.

On April 8, 2024, City staff presented D Street Pilot Project design options to City Council for consideration. City Council provided feedback and gave approval on the design.

Our Public Works & Utilities Director emailed those who have subscribed to project updates detailing proposed next steps, which include a “Phase I” project that aims to deliver traffic calming and pedestrian enhancements this fall.

PROJECT SURVEY #2: MAY 8 – MAY 24, 2023
In response to feedback received at our April 26, 2023 community workshop, we made a new survey available focusing primarily on the proposed lane configuration and bicycle route preferences. 261 people took the survey.

The City hosted its second community workshop to introduce and seek feedback on the proposed design. The meeting was attended by 55 people.

Proposed Design
The proposed design includes several traffic calming, pedestrian, and intersection safety enhancements, as well as bike lanes in both directions between Petaluma Boulevard South and City Limits. In order to provide bike lanes in both directions, on-street parking would be prohibited on one side of the street between 4th Street and Laurel Avenue. Staff performed three weekday parking counts (morning, afternoon, and nighttime) and found that, on average,14 percent of on-street parking is utilized between 4th Street and Laurel Avenue. Parking counts were used to identify which side of the street had higher parking utilization; the resulting configuration includes parking on the inbound side of the street between 4th Street and 8th Street, and on the outbound side between 8th Street and Laurel Avenue.

For more background, including feedback collected through the City’s project survey and first community workshop, review the previous project updates below.

The City posted an online survey asking for feedback on priorities and potential design elements/roadway configurations. 138 people responded to the survey.

The City provided a similar presentation to the Pedestrian & Bicycle Advisory Committee, incorporating feedback received at the October 18 Community Workshop.

The City hosted a virtual community workshop to introduce the project and hear community concerns and ideas. The meeting was attended by 70 people.

Sign-Up for Project Updates

Future D Street Projects

Sewer and Water Main Replacements

  • Location: Petaluma Boulevard South to Sunnyslope Avenue/El Rose Drive
  • Estimated Construction: Summer-Fall 2024
  • Description: The City will replace the sewer and water mains within D Street and on connecting streets, both of which are aging and in need of capacity enhancements. Staff has prioritized areas of the City in need of water and sewer main replacements to maximize efficiency and minimize disruption and construction costs.
  • Project Manager: Dan Herrera

Road Reconstruction and Complete Streets Improvements

  • Location: Petaluma Boulevard South to City Limits
  • Estimated Construction: Summer-Fall 2025 (pending funding)
  • Description: Following the sewer and water main replacements, the City will reconstruct D Street. Roadway reconstruction will include a new roadway surface, ADA curb ramps, traffic signal upgrades, and traffic calming, bicycle, and pedestrian improvements. The roadway design will be informed by feedback received and data collected during the quick-build project.
  • Project Manager: Ken Eichstaedt

Scott Ranch Developer-Funded Improvements

  • Location: Sunnyslope Avenue/El Rose Drive to City Limits
  • Estimated Construction: TBD
  • Description: The proposed Scott Ranch development project would provide several roadway improvements, including the installation of a new roundabout at the Windsor Drive intersection, sidewalks, and Class II bike lanes. If the project is approved, the City will coordinate with the developer’s construction schedule to minimize disruption.
  • Project Webpage: https://cityofpetaluma.org/scott-ranch/
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