City Hall West Wing Space Remodel & Permit Center
Project Description
We are pleased to be creating a new dedicated Permit Center in the west wing of City Hall, designed to strengthen our permit program and provide improved service to the community.
The new Permit Center supports our City goals of improving community access and permit acquisition for Building, Planning, Fire, and Encroachment Permits.
Another area of work involved re-programming the portion of the west wing that was recently vacated by County of Sonoma services. This project is now complete and included space planning for that area to define individual office sizes and locations for City staff, identifying building improvements to meet code, and remodel construction activities. The Engineering Development Department is now located here, with that portion of the remodeling project successfully completed in January 2022.
Project Manager
Project Location
Petaluma City Hall – 11 English Street
Traffic Impacts & Benefits
This project will impact the lobby of City Hall West Wing during construction. Community services will be moved to provide uninterrupted access to the public. This project will not impact traffic.
Timeline/Project Status
This remodel was designed and permitted in FY 21/22. The introduction of the EnerGov Software as the on-line permit management system altered the in-person permit submittal process and staff re-visited the design of the public counter. These revised plans were advertised for bid June 2023. Construction is planned in Fall of 2023. Estimated completion date: Winter 2023.
Funded by Facilities Impact Fee, American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), and SB2 Grant
Bid Details