September 2024

A detailed material condition assessment was completed on the wood posts in 2023, and provided a critical foundation for the preliminary site design work that is now proceeding. Staff retained a consultant, Foth Infrastructure and Environment, for the design phase work on the Trestle rehabilitation/reconstruction project with a kick-off that took place in June. The design services include planning, limited additional studies (a supplemental geotechnical investigation), design alternatives and options analysis, and ultimately the final design of a rehabilitated trestle.

The design phase will take approximately one year and include a robust public outreach component to seek community feedback and inform the design. We look forward to working with our community to envision the future of the Trestle. A schedule of public outreach meetings to be conducted through the rest of 2024 will be forthcoming.


MAY 2023

From May 22-27, 2023, Inspectors will be on the river and the Trestle conducting an inspection of the timber conditions on the Trestle and assessing the deterioration since the last Trestle study in 2011. This work will help us understand what parts of the trestle can be salvaged or repaired in a future design, which will help us figure out how much the trestle rehabilitation will ultimately cost. It's crucial work, and we're excited to begin this milestone in one of our community's top ten priorities.

This work will bring us closer to the completion of the first two milestones below, Reengage on Previous Studies/Plans/Designs and Commence Design of the Project to Make the Project Ready for Bids in FY24 or FY25.



*Please note the City of Petaluma's fiscal year is from July 1 to June 30 of the following year. 

Milestone Description

Estimated Completion 

Progress Status 

Reengage on previous studies/plans/design:  FY23/24 Q4  COMPLETE 
Design Phase to reach shovel ready status:  FY24/25 Q3 


In Progress 
Environmental Assessment/permitting:  FY24/25 Q3  Upcoming 
Research and identify viable options for ownership of (a) the existing structure and (b) the underlying land  FY24/25 Q3  In Progress 
Outreach – including CCBs  FY24/25 Q2  Upcoming 
Clarify a vision for what the Trestle can, should, and will be; create an artistic rendering  FY24/25 Q2  In Progress 
Research and compile potential, viable grant programs  FY24/25 Q3  Upcoming 
Apply for permits for construction  FY25/26 Q1  Upcoming 
Design completed - project is shovel ready  FY25/26 Q1  Upcoming 
Funding secured  FY26+  Upcoming 
Award construction contract  FY26+  Upcoming 
Project construction  FY26+  Upcoming 
Petaluma's historic trestle

Petaluma's Historic Trestle

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