East Court Safety Upgrades
Project Description
The City of Petaluma is committed to making our streets safer and more accessible for all who use them. We have been made aware of several safety concerns on E. Court and are in the process of designing and implementing upgrades that will address them.
Thank you to all who took the time to attend our walking neighborhood meeting on August 21, 2024. It was wonderful to meet each of you and to gain a better understanding of the specific concerns you have regarding traffic safety on your street.
As discussed at the meeting, we plan to implement some “quick-build” upgrades that we are confident will make a big difference in the top concerns we heard (speeding, safety, and visibility). Quick-build upgrades involve elements we can install quickly – like paint, rubber, and signage. We plan to install the following on East Court this fall:
- Rubber speed cushions – these work to slow traffic without impacting the movement of public safety vehicles like fire trucks and ambulances.
- Painted red curbs and “bulb outs” (painted extensions of the sidewalk) near intersection of East Court and Lakeville Street – these help increase visibility at the intersection, slow turning movements in and out of the neighborhood, and shorten pedestrian crossing distance.
We have applied to PG&E to install streetlights on the poles without streetlights, a process which typically takes 6-8 months. We also reported the leaning pole near the cul-de-sac and asked them to fix it.
What’s Next?
We will notify the neighborhood via email and US mail prior to the installation of the quick-build upgrades. Installation should take no more than a couple of days with minimal impact to traffic in the area.
Once the quick-build upgrades have been in place for a few months, we will connect with you, the neighbors, again to learn how its been going and make adjustments if needed.
Thank you for time and for caring about Petaluma as much as we do. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us directly with questions or concerns.
Timeline/Project Status
Construction of quick-build elements is expected to take place in fall 2024. We anticipate repair and upgrades to PG&E streetlights will occur in 2025.