Garfield Drive Improvements Project
Project Description
Update #2 as of 8/2/23: The City has found an alternate source of asphalt. Construction is tentatively scheduled to resume on Monday, August 7, 2023. The City will provide updated noticing by the end of the week. Please proceed to use caution and thank you for your patience.
Update #1 as of 8/2/23: Construction is currently on hold due to material delays. The plant producing asphalt is currently unable to provide it at this time. The City is actively looking into alternative options.
Update as of 7/13/23: “Concrete work” (upgrades to sidewalks, curb ramps, and driveways) is complete and pavement work is scheduled to begin the week of July 17. Construction is expected to last through the end of August 2023.
During construction, traffic control measures will be implemented for safety. Every effort will be made to minimize impacts to traffic, however delays may happen and should be expected during heavy commute hours.
The contractor will be cement and lime treating the subgrade (the layer below the street surface) using a method know as full depth reclamation. This process involves mixing in lime and/or cement material that is non-hazardous. Every effort will be made to minimize the impacts of dust during this phase.
The contractor is passing out the following Notice of Construction, Road Closures & Parking Restrictions. Click HERE to read the notice.
Update as of 6/19/23: The project is underway! The contractor is continuing with demolishing existing sidewalk, and building accessible ramp improvements. Stay tuned for updates on traffic impacts as we get closer to the pavement restoration phase.
The pavement on Garfield Drive is up to 50 years old and in visibly poor condition. We are pleased to announce the City will be repaving a 1.5 mile stretch of Garfield Drive between East Washington Street and Cross Creek Street in Summer/Fall 2023, following completion of a Water Services Replacement Project that is currently underway.
With any paving project, the City looks for opportunities to improve safety and accessibility for all road users. Improvements that will be incorporated in this project include:
- New or improved curb ramps and crosswalks
- Parking prohibition near intersections and crosswalks to improve visibility
- Roadway striping or signage elements that slow traffic, increase road users' awareness, and make roadway operations more intuitive
Community Engagement
Community Workshop: April 12, 2023
The City held a virtual community workshop on April 12, 2023 to share information, answer questions, and seek feedback on proposed traffic calming, safety, and accessibility improvements. Feedback received included:
- Explore additional traffic calming enhancements to discourage cut-through traffic that occurs when the intersection of Ely Blvd. S and Caulfield Ln. is congested (especially during school drop-off and pick-up)
- Explore an additional crosswalk across Garfield Dr. at Arroyo Park
- If Garfield Dr. is established as a bike route, a Class III (shared lane) bike route is preferred
- Closely monitor the impacts of the proposed roadway configuration (especially the absence of the centerline) and make adjustments as needed
Postcards were sent to all addresses within 1000 feet of the corridor and the meeting was publicized through the City's social media channels and in the Community Update.
Meeting Materials
Pedestrian & Bicycle Advisory Committee: Date TBD
Staff will share an update and seek feedback on proposed traffic calming, safety, and accessibility improvements. This page will be updated with additional information when the meeting date is confirmed.
Sign-Up for Project Updates
- Winter 2022-23: Design
- Spring 2023: Water Services Project Construction
- Summer 2023: Pavement Restoration Project Construction
- Fall 2023: Pavement Restoration Project Construction Completion
Pavement rehabilitation projects are funded through a combination of Street Maintenance Funds, Road Maintenance & Rehabilitation Account, and Measure U Sales Tax bonds. Water services replacement projects are funded with Water Enterprise Funds.
BID Details
The construction plans and specifications were prepared by engineering staff and a Notice Inviting Bids was advertised on January 27, 2023. Five bids were received and opened on February 16, 2023. On March 20, 2023, City Council approved a Resolution Authorizing Award of Contract to Ghilotti Bros., Inc. for $2,936,976.

Project Location
Garfield Drive from East Washington Street to Cross Creek Street