Historic Trestle Reconstruction
Project Description
Built in 1922, Petaluma’s historic trestle was originally used to connect the Petaluma River to the rail system and was a key player in moving goods between the San Francisco Bay, Petaluma, and beyond. Our vision is to transform the deteriorating structure, which is currently in unusable condition and fenced off from public access, into a thriving community gathering space.
Achieving this vision will be a multi-year project requiring intra-agency collaboration and extensive public input It will involve a multi-faceted engineering and design strategy. We look forward to eventually working with our community to develop and refine the aesthetic elements of the design for the site.
Project Updates
We are currently busy behind the scenes laying the groundwork for this important project.
Please stay tuned to this webpage and sign up using the form on the page to receive project updates, including when and how you can become involved. To dig into the details of what we have done so far and what comes next, including a timeline of project milestones, please CLICK HERE.
Project Location
No significant traffic impacts anticipated, with minor traffic impacts during construction. Will improve pedestrian and bike access along the Petaluma River Trail between C street and Washington Avenue.
Timeline/Project Status
The project is currently in the design phase with plans are expected to be complete by August 2025. The construction schedule is yet to be determined. CLICK HERE to review a detailed list of project milestones.
The Trestle Rehabilitation project budget has been updated to include $675,000 for design in FY 24/25. That budget will fund the design phase through construction drawings and environmental permit applications, and is scheduled to be completed by August 2025. With the project “shovel-ready” at that point it will be much more competitive for grant funding, that will be needed to move the project forward into construction.