I Street Safety Upgrades
Earlier this year, in response to neighborhood concerns about speeding on I Street near the city limit, we installed rubber speed cushions. Rubber speed cushions have been studied and proven to slow traffic without impacting the movement of public safety vehicles like fire trucks and ambulances.
The speed cushions were the next step in a variety of traffic calming elements on I Street including a speed radar feedback sign, buffered bike lanes, narrowed vehicular travel lanes, and speed gradation markings (all installed in 2023).
September 23 I Street Traffic Calming Meeting Recap
Thank you to all who took the time to attend our I Street Traffic Calming meeting on September 23. We greatly appreciate your input and are taking it into consideration as we refine our plans for this important neighborhood connector and rural gateway.
As we shared at the meeting, following the installation of roadway modifications in April 2023 and a speed cushion earlier this year, we continue to hear concerns about speeding and safety on I Street, as well as improper use of the speed cushions.
At the meeting, we shared our recommendation to remove the speed cushion and install chicanes, which would add curvature to the street, removing the “straightaway” effect that encourages speeding. Click here to view our slides. Chicanes are shown and described on slides 13-14.
Thank you to everyone who shared input during the meeting. Some of the ideas we heard include:
- Install stop signs on I Street at Grevillia Drive
- Install a crosswalk across I Street at Purrington Road
- Extend traffic calming measures to the Sunnyslope Road intersection
- Add a speed feedback sign in the southbound direction
- Review and improve gateway signage
- Install a roundabout in the area (as part of a long-term plan)
- Install sidewalks along the east side of I Street (also a long-term improvement involving property owners and the County of Sonoma)
Our Traffic Engineering team is reviewing items 1-5 listed above and will incorporate those changes in our current design if they are determined to be feasible and appropriate. We will explore items 6 & 7 as part of a longer-term plan.
Next Steps
We are currently revising our proposed design to incorporate feedback from the neighborhood. We will notify the community when the new design has been completed and will share an anticipated construction schedule at that point.
If you have not already, please sign up to receive project updates via the form on this webpage.
Thank you for working with us to make I Street the best (and safest) it can be.
Bjorn Griepenburg
[email protected]
I Street, west of Grevillia Drive
No impacts to traffic are anticipated at this time.
To be determined.