Leghorn-Maria Recycled Water Extension
Project Description
This project will extend the City’s recycled water line to offset potable water to schools, greenbelts, and parks. The new pipeline will extend the recycled water line from Maria Dr. to Leghorn’s Park by Sonoma Mountain Pkwy. The pipeline will connect to various city parks to upgrade their irrigation lines to recycled water. The use of recycled instead of potable (tap) water allows the City to reduce water consumption which has a significant impact on our water supply during this period of historic drought.
Project Manager
Project Location
The project is located at Maria Dr. adjacent to the southwest section of Glenbrook Park and follows along Glenbrook Park to Sonoma Mountain Pkwy.
Traffic Impacts
During construction traffic control measures will be in place to manage traffic flow in the area as well as protect the work areas. Parking along the streets may be impacted to ensure traffic flow through the area is maintained. Access to driveways and properties will be preserved at all times throughout the project. The City will make every effort possible to minimize traffic impacts to businesses and residents.
Timeline/Project Status
December 2022 Update: The project is complete and was accepted by City Council on December 5, 2022.
April 2022 Update: The 8-inch recycled water mains to Meadow View Park have been installed and connected to the existing recycled water main within Maria Drive. The pipeline has been tested and is ready for delivery of recycled water to parks and other irrigation. Park irrigation system conversion will commence but is part of another project.
Funding for Leghorn-Maria is using water enterprise funds.