Oak Hill Municipal Well Project
Project Description
The Oak Hill Well, as part of the Well Construction Program, was envisioned to expand the City’s groundwater well network, by creating a new reserve water source for use in emergencies and times of severe drought when other sources are diminished or not available. Ultimately, the goal of the Well Construction Program is to help our City utilities infrastructure (and the community) become more resilient and able to withstand stress to our water supply and climate.
Currently, most of Petaluma’s groundwater wells are located on the City’s east side. The Oak Hill Well site was selected as a priority due to its proximity to the water distribution system and location within a potential high-yield groundwater aquifer.
Project Update
New Data
Well drilling is complex and, because key elements of the project are located out-of-sight underground, we are not able to truly know what lies beneath the surface until we begin to dig. While we were confident, after much research and input from experts, that the Oak Hill site would be an ideal location for an emergency well, initial aquifer testing indicated there is not enough groundwater available to support an emergency well here.
A New Direction
Though we have learned this isn’t a good spot for the emergency well we had been planning for, we have partnered with the Petaluma Valley Groundwater Sustainability Agency and have determined Oak Hill is the perfect site to install a “monitoring well.”
A monitoring well is essentially a hole in the ground that staff can reach into with a handheld measuring device to read water depth and collect samples to test for water quality. This is all very valuable information to have as we plan for utility infrastructure and water supply in our community in the coming decades.
Construction of the monitoring well is now complete. The monitoring well will be maintained by the GSA, to allow for ongoing observations of aquifer health into the future.
What Will It Look Like?
The finished borehole (hole for the well) includes a locking concrete vault installed at ground-level that essentially looks like a rectangular manhole. With this new plan, there is no need or plans for a well house or pump house at the site.
What’s next?
The monitoring well is now in place. Our contractor is finishing up site restoration, which includes planting new native grass seed to help stabilize the soil, reduce erosion and restore the grassland areas that give Oak Hill its original beauty.
Grass planting through a hydroseeding process is currently underway and will be completed by November 1. Hydroseeding includes applying a slurry of native grass seed, mulch, fertilizer, and natural dye to aid in the application process. Barriers will be installed around the area that has been seeded and will stay in play for approximately 2 weeks. We ask that you please not walk in the protected area during that time to allow the seeds time to take root.
Thank you for your patience as we worked through this long project process. We have truly appreciated your time, input, and understanding throughout the project.
We are researching potential sites for emergency wells on the west side of town and will keep the community posted.
Community Input
Thank you to everyone who has expressed interest in the Oak Hill Well project. Please sign up using the form on this webpage to receive project updates on information about upcoming community input opportunities. Below is a list of past community engagement opportunities from the project’s launch through 2024.
On-Site Project Update Meeting - September 2024
We held an on-site meeting at the Oak Hill Park picnic tables September 5 at 5:30pm to give an in-depth update on the project. Many thanks to all who took the time to attend. We appreciated your understanding as we explained the change in direction and were glad for the opportunity to directly address your questions and concerns.
On-Site Walking Tour - November 2023
We hosted an on-site walking tour to discuss the project November 2, 2023. Thank you to all who joined us!
3rd Community Meeting - October 2023
We held our 3rd community meeting on Zoom October 30, 2023 to review the project and construction schedule. Thanks to everyone who took the time to attend. We appreciate the thoughtful questions and input received.
Missed the meeting? No problem! Click HERE to view a recording.
2nd Community Meeting - June 2023
On June 1, 2023 we held our second community meeting (this time virtually via Zoom) to review the project construction schedule, discuss visual elements of the well, explore next steps for the Oak Hill area, and address questions/concerns. Thank you to the 14 community members who joined us.
CLICK HERE to view the PowerPoint presentation.
CLICK HERE to view a recording of the meeting.
1st Community Meeting - August 2022
Thank you to everyone who attended the community meeting on August 11, 2022 to learn more about the proposed Oak Hill Well project. To view the presentation posters referenced during the meeting, CLICK HERE. The frequently asked questions answered at the bottom of this webpage have been updated based on the the meeting's discussion.
Project Manager
Project Location
35 Park Avenue, Petaluma
Traffic Impacts & Benefits
Timeline/Project Status
City Council unanimously approved the Oak Hill Well project at the September 12, 2022 meeting.
The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) compliance and design has been completed. A mitigated negative declaration/Initial Study was approved by City Council at the September 12, 2022 meeting. It can be viewed here: Oak Hill Municipal Well Project Initial Study / Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND).
The project was paused briefly as the County of Sonoma, in an effort to conserve water during extreme drought, instituted a moratorium on the creation of new wells. This moratorium is expected to expire in May 2023, at which time City staff will begin the bidding process for the well construction project.
We are currently reviewing proposals from contractors and working to ensure those we are considering meet all our requirements. Construction of the well is expected to begin in late fall of 2023 and anticipated to be completed by spring of 2024.
Community outreach will continue throughout the design and construction phases to update and inform the neighborhood. Please sign up using the form on this webpage to receive project updates and information about upcoming community input opportunities.
Water Enterprise Funds
Bid Details

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Oak Hill Tank Replacement Project
Oak Hill Tank is an important part of the Petaluma’s water distribution and pressure system, including fire protection, for the downtown area. The tank was decommissioned in 2015 due to required maintenance and upgrades. We look forward to working with our community to create a new tank that better serves the needs of Petaluma.
Learn more and sign up to receive updates on the Oak Hill Tank Replacement project webpage: cityofpetaluma.org/oakhilltank