Parks Division Responsibilities
The Parks Division maintains the City's forty parks, including turfed areas, playgrounds, restrooms, and sports facilities. Tasks include litter pickup, emptying garbage, restroom cleaning, irrigation, mowing, turf maintenance, ball field maintenance, pruning, fertilization, pest control, repairs due to vandalism and heavy use, cleaning and repairing structures, tree maintenance, and public contact.
The Parks Division maintains seven miles of landscaped medians, bus stops, public building landscapes, bike paths, pathways and open space areas. The Division also supervises and assists landscape contractors for the maintenance of Wiseman Park and all the arterial landscaped frontages and center medians.
Parks Maintenance Contact:
Phone: (707) 778-4303
email: [email protected]
Citizen Request App: Report a Problem
Development Review and Construction
The Parks Division makes sure that new park construction and renovation projects meet City standards. We work with other City staff and contractors to review plans, as well as supervise, inspect, and assist in new park construction and renovation projects.
Weed Abatement
State licensed personnel from the Division perform weed abatement services for all municipal buildings, water utility sites, fire stations, the Petaluma Airport, Marina, and public right-of-ways.
City Pools
Maintenance of the City's fifty-meter pool at the Swim Center and the pool at Jack Cavanagh Recreation Center is a year-round responsibility. During the seven-month swim season, mechanical systems are maintained daily for optimum performance to meet state regulated standards. During the off-season, mechanical systems and structures are rebuilt/repaired.
Landscape Assessment District
Division personnel oversee the maintenance contract for the forty-four Landscape Assessment Districts (LADs) located throughout the City.
Responsibilities include working with developers and landscape architects at the planning stage, inspecting planting installations, testing of irrigation systems, final acceptance, resolving citizen complaints, working with citizen groups, responding to emergency call-outs and complaints, and inspecting/coordinating work performed by an outside contractor through a maintenance contract.
Additional responsibilities include managing assessment district budgets, establishing annual budgets and assessments, the formation of new districts, and the conducting of public meetings and elections to change assessment limits to accommodate maintenance cost increases.
Landscape Assessment District Hotline:
(707) 778-4520

Our Parks team is small but has many responsibilities requiring diverse skills and equipment.
by Jason Beatty, Deputy Director, Public Works & Utilities