Pavement Restoration
Project Description
This project is made possible by funding from Measure U - a community-supported revenue measure.
We are excited to announce our new strategy for keeping our streets safe and smooth: the annual Pavement Restoration project!
This annual project will help reduce the continued degradation of our City’s street system by implementing pavement maintenance measures. Paving treatments will consist mostly of seal coats and overlays. ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) improvements to sidewalks and curb ramps will be included whenever possible.
This year, we are focused on preventative maintenance of a large number of streets around town, rather than the full reconstruction of a single street. This approach addresses the need to keep more streets from degrading to the point of needing full and more extensive reconstruction.
Project Updates
Last year, the City of Petaluma completed Phase 1 of our much-anticipated Pavement Restoration project. During this first phase, approximately 15 miles of Petaluma streets received slurry seal, a treatment that protects the underlying pavement of our roads for long-term preservation.
While Phase 2 was scheduled to begin in November 2021, we were delayed due to weather conditions (temperature and moisture). We are now implementing Phase 2 of the slurry seal project. Slurry sealing involves applying a thin layer of pavement over the existing road surface. This this layer serves to smooth the road surface, help minimize water intrusion, and slow the natural wear and tear process.
The City’s contractor, DRYCO began work the week of April 25. Residents in areas where this will be occurring will be notified 48 hours in advance of the activities, with a notice that includes detailed instructions regarding the project. Detailed maps and schedules will be posted online throughout the duration of the project.
Please feel free to reach out to City staff anytime (707-331-2316) with questions, concerns, or scheduling conflicts.
Please note, as the work is being completed you may notice a couple of things:
- Loose gravel - This occurs as a natural and anticipated part of the curing process. Streets will be swept as this occurs. Please proceed with caution on these roads until gravel is swept away.
- Changes in lane striping - There is a short period of time that newly sealed roads will not have striping. We are working hard to minimize the amount of time for safety reasons. Please use caution when driving on these roads.
This project, made possible in large part by your votes to pass Measure U (thank you!), addresses the need to keep more streets from degrading to the point of needing a more extensive reconstruction.
Project Manager
Ken Eichstaedt, Senior Traffic Engineer
*Please Note: The contractor will be revisiting completed areas and performing repair work where there was significant damage to the finished surface following the application. If you have a location that needs to be addressed, please call Mario Traverso at 707-331-2316.*
Traffic Impacts & Benefits
There will be short term traffic impacts that will occur during the road treatment applications. The City will endeavor to properly notify the public to traffic disruption and restore the roadway with the improved surface.
Project Status
This project will take place throughout 2021.
Funding for this work comes from a combination of the Road Maintenance and Recovery Act (RMRA), Street Maintenance Funds, and utility fees that exist to compensate for damage done to streets due to placement and maintenance of sewer and water facilities.
BID Details
Construction has begun and will proceed until July/August.

Project Location
Throughout the city. See link below for specific streets being restored.