Pavement Restoration: Maria Drive
Project Description
This project includes the reconstruction of Maria Drive from Sonoma Mountain Parkway to Rainier Avenue. The work will include new curb ramps, installation of a recycled waterline to be used in the future, paving and restriping.
Project Manager: Jeff Stutsman – Traffic Engineer
Contact Information : Email - [email protected]
Office - (707) 776-3673
Address (approximate):
Maria Drive between Sonoma Mountain Parkway and Rainier Avenue
Traffic Impact
During the installation of the recycled waterline, the roadway parking will be removed temporarily and the travel lanes reduced to one thru lane controlled by flaggers. Minor delays will be expected for residents and access to their individual driveway will maintained to the extent possible.
Project Status/Timeline
The project has been awarded to Argonaut Constructors. Construction is anticipated to begin May 26th with the installation of the recycled water line, followed by curb ramp installation and finally the rehabilitation of Maria Drive. Construction is anticipated to take 90 working days and be completed in September. Roadway rehabilitation will include cement full depth reclamation which recycles the existing material to create a strong base for the new road section.
This project is funded by Senate Bill (SB) - 1 and Street Maintenance with an estimated total project cost of $2.1 million.