Petaluma Boulevard South Complete Streets
Wondering what in the world is going on these days on Petaluma Boulevard South? Quite a bit, actually!
Over the next 6 months, Petaluma Boulevard South, the southern gateway to our city (and the original Highway 101), will be getting some major upgrades. Often referred to as a “complete streets” approach, the work being done in this area will benefit all users including pedestrians, bicyclists, and motor vehicles.
The Petaluma Boulevard Complete Streets Road Diet will transform the Boulevard South from Crystal Lane to downtown, providing increased safety, mobility, and access for all road users. The current four lanes of traffic will be reduced to two, making room for bike lanes and improved pedestrian safety. Construction on this phase of the project is anticipated to begin in January 2022.
All work is expected to be completed by the fall of 2022.
Questions or concerns? Please contact the project managers listed in the descriptions below.
Project Updates
The Petaluma Boulevard South Complete streets project is getting close to completion! Our contractor is currently finishing up curb ramp installations and has begun to lower the metal utility covers in the roadway in preparation for repaving. Please travel with caution as this work is happening in the travel lanes. Repaving is scheduled to start on Monday, May 31st, beginning at D Street and continuing south. Thru traffic and driveway access during the repaving will be provided, but parking along the boulevard will not. Be aware that orange cones, delineators and temporary lane markings will be used to guide traffic and the configuration will change. If you have any question or concerns of the upcoming activities, please contact City staff at 707-331-2316.

Petaluma Boulevard Complete Streets Road Diet
Project Description
This is a federally-funded project between E Street and the Crystal Lane Roundabout. The project includes full pavement restoration, ADA improvements, safety upgrades, new curb ramps, traffic signal upgrades and new striping.
The new striping layout will provide one through-lane in each direction, a center two-way left turn lane, and a Class IV bike lane between Crystal Lane and Mountain View; a Class II bike lane between Mountain View and H Street; and a Class III bike lane between H Street and E Street.
Project Manager
Project Location
Petaluma Blvd South from D Street to the Crystal Lane Roundabout.
Traffic Impacts & Benefits
The traffic impacts will be minimal. A schedule will be posted as the project nears its start date. Those who may be significantly impacted will be informed ahead of time. Access to driveways will not be blocked.
Timeline/Project Status
Project design is complete and construction is expected begin January 2022.
If you have any questions regarding this project, please contact Mario Traverso at 707-331-2316.
The project is being funded by the following sources:
- $2,916,000 in funding provided by the Federal Highway Administration and Caltrans
- $556,023 in funding is being provided by Street Maintenance funds
- $273,286 in funding is being provided from Traffic Mitigation.
More details will be published in the December 6, 2021 staff report that will be available after the December 2, 2021 City Council meeting.
BID Details
The project was awarded to Azul Works, Inc. on December 6, 2021.