Petaluma Blvd South Water Main Replacement
Petaluma Boulevard South Water Main Replacement
This project involves installing approximately 1,500 feet of 8-inch polyvinyl chloride (PVC) water main to replace aging 4-inch cast iron water main on Petaluma Blvd. South between D Street and Mountain View Avenue.
Installation of this water main will improve the pressure for fire protection in the area, as well as the reliability of this piece of aging critical infrastructure which is nearing the end of its useful life. The project also includes installation of new water services to users along the project area to meet City requirements, and new fire services for commercial buildings.
This project ties into the Petaluma Boulevard South Road Diet project.
Dan Herrera, Senior Civil Engineer
Petaluma Blvd. South between D Street and Mountain View Avenue.
The project will impact Petaluma Blvd South. The water main installation work will close one southbound lane in the area of construction, and water service installation will impact both southbound and northbound lanes in the immediate vicinity of the work. All traffic restrictions will be posted for drivers with signage. Ingress and egress to homes and businesses will be maintained. Traffic control and routing measures will be implemented to maintain through traffic in the area.
May 7, 2021: Water Services have been installed on the existing 12-inch water main past Mountain View towards McNear Avenue. Once all water services and fire services have been relocated to the existing 12-inch main, procedures to abandon the 4-inch water main will commence. Project work on the Blvd will be completed once the curb and gutter fronting the KVAL property on the Blvd at Mountain View Ave has been replaced. Work is expected to be completed within the month of May.
April 5, 2021: The installation of the water main on Petaluma Blvd From D Street to H Street, including all domestic water services and Fire services have been completed. Currently the Contractor is installing new water and fire services from I Street to Mountain View Avenue. These water service replacements require the water main to be shutdown in order to complete the work. Individual water services will be interrupted during this time and may be shut off for up to 4 hours. This will occur during the work hours from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Door notices will be placed on residences and businesses affected by this shutdown at least 24 to 48 hours in advance of any water being shut off. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the City at (707) 778-4546 to discuss. Work is expected to be complete in May.
This project is being funded by Water Enterprise Funds.
Engineer's Estimate $1,300,000
Name of Bidder Bid Total
Michael Paul Co. Inc. $ 637,100 Withdrew bid
W.R. Forde Inc. $ 886,300 Unresponsive bid
Coastside Concrete $1,010,500 Lowest responsive bid
Team Ghilotti Inc. $1,087,141
Pat Nelson Construction $1,515,400
Piazza Construction $1,545,490
Argonaut Constructors $1,634,950
Ghilotti Construction $1,680,400