Petaluma Community Sports Fields Baseball Diamond
Project Description
Batters up, Petaluma! The Petaluma Community Sports Fields Baseball Diamond is designed to be a state-of-the-art, exceptional sports venue for teams that require major league dimensions: American Legion (ages 13-19), high school, semi-pro baseball, and college teams. The field and site improvements will not only be visually appealing but will ultimately offer attributes unrivaled by any ballfield in Northern California. By virtue of its design, landscaping, and player-friendly amenities, the field will become a destination attraction that will draw teams and tournaments from travel leagues. Additionally, the multi-day tournaments will allow local business to partner with these events to provide food, lodging, and entertainment to visiting participants!
The first phase of the baseball field construction is soon to be underway. The phase will include the installation of the synthetic turf field, which will allow users to play daytime baseball games and lock the field up at night. In addition, parking will be expanded at the site and include additional ADA compliant parking access to the new field. Future planned and designed but not funded site amenities include site and sports field lighting, improved vehicle and pedestrian access including paved parking, field upgrades such as a full dugout with a roof, and additional irrigation and landscaping.
The baseball field bleachers and scoreboard are not currently included in any phases of this construction project but are planned to be constructed at a later date as in-kind donations from the Petaluma Leghorns' American Baseball organization (Leghorns').
Project Manager
Project Location
Petaluma Community Sports Fields, 2430 E Washington Street, Petaluma, CA 94954.
Traffic, Parking, and Field Use Impacts
During construction, we anticipate minimal traffic impacts to East Washington Street as equipment and materials are planned to be staged onsite. Parking at the Petaluma Community Sports Fields parking lot will likely be impacted during construction as equipment and personnel navigate the jobsite. Access to the soccer fields will be maintained throughout the duration of the project. Traffic control measures will be put in place to manage traffic flow in and out of the area in order to protect public and work areas. Area residents will be notified directly if more significant impacts to interruptions are anticipated. The City will make every effort to minimize the disruption to the area and services.
Project Status
Construction activities are anticipated to begin on July 5, 2022, and will start with site grading. We anticipate that the first phase of the project will be completed within six months of the project start date.
The project is funded by a mix of Parkland Impact Fees, Traffic Impact Fees, and General Fund-Measure U Funds. The project is currently only funded to perform the first phase of the project and adequate funds have not yet accumulated for the additional planned and designed amenities.
BID Details
The project was re-bid on February 17, 2022 and bid opening occurred on March 17, 2022. Following the bid opening, the project was awarded to the low bidder, O.C. Jones & Sons, Inc., of Berkley, CA at the April 18, 2022, council meeting.