PIPS Forcemain

Project Description

The Primary Influent Pump Station (PIPS) force main, a 36-inch diameter pipe spanning 2.5 miles, plays a crucial role in conveying wastewater from PIPS (located on Hopper Street) to the Ellis Creek Water Recycling Facility (ECWRF). This force main is a critical pipeline nearing the end of its service life. This project installs a parallel force main adjacent to the existing one, providing redundancy and resiliency for the City’s wastewater collection system. The project will progress through the following phases: planning, design, easement procurement, environmental compliance, and construction.

Project Location (approximate):

The proposed forcemain will largely run adjacent to the existing forcemain. The pipeline route travels from the PIPS facility on Hopper Street, along improved roadways, through open space, beneath Highway 101 and the SMART Train Railway, crossing multiple creeks, adjacent to commercial buildings and parking areas, and ultimately terminates at the ECWRF.

Traffic Impact

During the drilling, site investigation, and surveying (planning phase of the project) traffic control measures will be in place to manage traffic flow in the area as well as protect the work areas. Parking along the streets may be impacted to ensure traffic flow through the area is maintained. Access to driveways and properties will be preserved at all times throughout the project. The City will make every effort possible to minimize traffic impacts to businesses/residents; however, please plan for some delays in the area and travel carefully through the work zone.

Timeline / Project Status

With the preliminary design completed, the project will progress through phases including easement procurement, environmental compliance, final design, and phased construction.

Final design is anticipated to be complete in the Spring of 2025, with construction beginning in late 2025 / early 2026.

BID Details

This project has not bid yet.

Project Manager:

Kristin Arnold, P.E. - Senior Civil Engineer


A Draft Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) was prepared for this project. The IS/MND is available for review and public comment from October 18, 2024, to 5:00 PM on November 18, 2024. Written comments can be submitted to Kristin Arnold at karnold@cityofpetaluma.org.

Notice of Availability

Initial Study / Mitigated Negative Declaration

Preliminary Plans (Pages 1 - 21)

Preliminary Plans (Pages 22 - 42)


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