Rainier Crosstown Connector
Project Description
This project includes the construction of the Rainier Crosstown Connector that will connect McDowell Boulevard at Rainier Avenue to Petaluma Boulevard North. This bridge will provide an additional route for pedestrians, bicyclists and vehicles of residents and businesses to travel between the East and West sides of town, helping with crosstown travel traffic.
The new crosstown connector project will go under Caltrans’s new Highway 101 Rainier overcrossing and go over the Petaluma River and the SMART tracks. The new Caltrans overpass is being constructed with the MSN C2 Highway 101 widening project.
The project will include signal modifications at McDowell Boulevard, curb ramps, new roadway and bridge sections and a new intersection at Rainier Avenue and Petaluma Boulevard North.
PLEASE NOTE: There is currently no through connection.
Project Manager: Ken Eichstaedt – Traffic Engineer
Traffic Impact
The project is currently in the planning and design phase. There is no traffic impact at this time.
Rainier Avenue between McDowell Boulevard and Petaluma Boulevard North.
Project Status/Timeline
The City has completed the draft Environmental Impact Report and preliminary design. The City is currently working on property acquisition to acquire the necessary property to construct the project prior to moving into the final design. The design consultant for this project is AECOM.
The project timeline has not been confirmed.
The project is not fully funded.
BID Details
This project is in the initial Design Phase and has not yet gone to bid.