Safe Streets Nomination Program
Hey Petaluma Residents! Let's Make our Streets Safer Together!
We're on a mission to make Petaluma's streets safer and more welcoming for everyone, and we need your help! We're thrilled to roll out our Safe Streets Nomination Program, a unique chance for all Petalumans to play a part in reshaping our streets.
Wondering how? With your keen insights and our assembled data, we can pinpoint, rank, and upgrade areas that need upgrades to slow traffic down and make our streets safer. We know that fast cars and safe streets don't mix. In fact, high speeds are the cause behind most traffic collisions in Petaluma.
Help us achieve one of our City's top 10 goals - to make our streets safe. Not only do we want our streets to be safer, but we are committed to the Sonoma County Vision Zero Action Plan that aims for ZERO severe injuries or fatalities from traffic incidents by 2030.
So, Petalumans, ready to co-pilot this transformation with us? Let's make our streets safer, friendlier, and overall the best place to walk, bike, or drive!
How to nominate your street
Fill out THIS FORM to nominate your street. Nominations will be accepted on a rolling basis, and our team will work to score, prioritize, design, and implement projects throughout the year. After projects are reviewed by our team, we will notify the nominator of their project score and where their project ranks in the overall project list. The project list will be shared with the community on this webpage.
While we strongly encourage using the form linked above to submit nominations, those unable to do so may also submit nominations to [email protected] or by calling Public Works & Utilities at 707-778-4303.
Staff will review each nomination as well as collision and speed data to score each submission. Here is how each nomination will be scored.
Category |
Scoring |
5-year Collision History |
Evidence of Speeding |
Proximity to Schools & Parks (multipliers) |