Santa Rosa Junior College Water Main
Project Description
This project is for the installation of a 12-inch water main across an easement located on the Santa Rosa Junior College (SRJC), Petaluma Campus. This water main will connect the distribution system on both sides of the SRJC campus and create a looped distribution system, providing reliability and back-up in the event of a water main failure. Updates such as this are an important step in keeping our water supply running smoothly and avoiding waste that occurs when pipes burst or fail, an occurrence we always want to avoid - especially during this period of historic drought.
Project Manager
Project Location
The project will impact the area north of the SRJC Petaluma Campus. Work will run from approximately the intersection of Lennox Dr. and Norfolk Dr. The pipeline will run along the northern border of the SRJC campus and tie back into the existing system at the corner of Tulare.
Traffic Impacts
During construction traffic control measures will be in place to manage traffic flow in the area as well as protect the work areas. Parking along the streets may be impacted to ensure traffic flow through the area is maintained. Access to driveways and properties will be preserved at all times throughout the project. The City will make every effort possible to minimize traffic impacts to businesses and residents.
Timeline/Project Status
December 2022 Update: The project is complete and was accepted by City Council on December 5, 2022.
April 2022 Update: The 12-inch water main behind the SRJC Campus has been installed, tested, and connected to the City's distribution system. This pipeline has created a looped system which provides resiliency in the City's water distribution network.
Water Capital funds will be used for this project.
Bid Results
Engineer's Estimate $700,000
Name of Bidder Bid Total
Michael Paul Company, Inc. $ 741,130.00 Lowest responsive bid
Piazza Construction $ 775,520.00
Argonaut Constructors $ 782,699.00
Coastside Concrete & Construction, Inc. $ 876,720.00
Terracon Constructors $ 934,662.00
Team Ghilotti, Inc. $ 987,141.00
W.R. Forde, Associates, Inc. $ 988,836.00
California Trenchless, Inc. $1,031,800.00

Photo Credit: Petaluma 360