Sunnyslope Avenue Upgrades
Project Description
In response to community concerns regarding safety and traffic speeds along Sunnyslope Avenue, our teams investigated and found opportunities to implement safety upgrades.
The City of Petaluma made Safe Routes to School upgrades on Sunnyslope Avenue between D and I Streets. Improvements include:
- A refreshed, painted centerline (replacing the existing dots, many of which are now missing or faded)
- High-visibility “ladder” (striped) crosswalks
- A new crosswalk across Sunnyslope Avenue at Deer Valley Court
- Bike lane markings
- Reduced speed limit signage in the school zone near McNear Elementary.
Project Manager
Jeff Stutsman
Phone: 707-241-0201
Email: [email protected]
Project Location
Sunnyslope Avenue between D Street and I Street.
Timeline/Project Status