Victoria and Country Club Pump Station Improvements
Project Description
This project will provide structural, mechanical, electrical, instrument control, and communication upgrades to the Country Club Pump Station, located on the west side of Petaluma off McNear Avenue, and the Victoria Pump Station, located on the west side of Petaluma off Windsor Drive.
The proposed action meets Council Goal 55: “Make the City’s water distribution system more resilient by repairing and replacing leaking water pipes and implementing the water/sewer masterplan.”
Project Update - January 2021
New pumps, pump controls, emergency generator connections, piping, and hydrants have been installed at the Victoria Pump station and Country Club Pump Station. Each pump station has been integrated into our SCADA system with upgraded security measures. The project is complete. City Council accepted the project completion on December 21, 2020.
BID Details
Engineer's Estimate: $ 750,000
Notice Inviting Bids: September 26, 2019
Bids Received
Clyde D. Steagall, Inc. $ 1,116,576 Lowest Responsible Bidder
Team Ghilotti $ 1,447,141
Valentine Corp $ 1,587,369