Windsor Drive Safe Streets Improvements
Project Description
In response to neighborhood concerns about safety and speeding at the western edge of the Victoria neighborhood (near Edinburgh and Cambridge Lane), the City has developed plans to improve safety for all road users.
Proposed improvements include:
- A high-visibility crosswalk (with a median refuge island) across Windsor Drive at the intersection of Edinburgh and Cambridge Lane to facilitate safe pedestrian crossings
- Bike lanes in both directions from west of Victoria to the eastern intersection with Edinburgh Lane to create a more comfortable bicycling experience
- Extensions to the concrete median further into the intersection of Edinburgh and Cambridge Lane to slow vehicle turning movements
- Narrowed vehicle lanes (using bike lanes and medians) to slow vehicle speeds
- Signage and marking improvements to clearly convey roadway operations to all road users
Click here to view the proposed improvements described above.
The City recognizes the need for similar improvements along the entire corridor and has applied for grant funding that would be available in late 2023. Staff will collect feedback and data to evaluate the effectiveness of the improvements outlined above to help inform future improvements on Windsor Drive and throughout the City.
Community Engagement
Neighborhood Workshop: April 10, 2023
The City held a virtual neighborhood workshop on April 10, 2023 to share information, answer questions, and seek feedback on proposed traffic calming/safe streets improvements at the intersection of Edinburgh and Cambridge Lane. Neighbors expressed strong appreciation and support for the proposed design. Staff will collect additional data and feedback following implementation and make any needed adjustments as we continue to refine our approach to traffic calming and safe streets enhancements.
Meeting Materials
Sign-Up for Project Updates
- Spring 2023: Install improvements near Edinburgh and Cambridge Lane
- Summer/Fall 2023:
- Collect speed data and community feedback after installation
- Begin design and community engagement for remainder of Windsor Drive (grant funding decision expected by July 2023)

Project Location
Current Project: Windsor Drive near Edinburgh and Cambridge Lane
Future Project: Windsor Drive between Western Avenue and D Street
Project Manager
Bjorn Griepenburg, Project Manager