AMI Water Metering Technology

Water Meter Technology Upgrade

Petaluma is upgrading our water meter technology to help us, and you, save water. The new technology will:

  • Show you your water use in real time through an online portal (Eye on Water)
  • Alert you to water leaks
  • Help you identify water use trends

How it works

The new technology, Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI), transmits water use data remotely to the City and to the online Eye on Water portal. The data will help us, and you, track water use trends and find new ways to conserve.

CLICK HERE to learn about the Eye on Water online portal.

Want to Learn More?

Watch Our Virtual Informational Meeting 

On Tuesday, March 21, 2023, we held a virtual meeting  to share information and answer questions about the transition to AMI water meter technology for Petaluma water customers. 

Missed the meeting? Not to worry!

  • CLICK HERE to watch a recording of the meeting.
  • View the presentation slides HERE

Frequently Asked Questions

Whose meters will be upgraded to AMI?

Our goal is to equip all water customers in the City of Petaluma’s service area with upgraded AMI metering technology by the end of 2025. A pilot program launched in 2022 in which 58 monitors were installed throughout Petaluma on City-owned properties, City staff residences, and high-use water customers around town. Pilot customers have reported they are loving the new meters and are finding them helpful in their water conservation efforts.


What do I have to do to upgrade to AMI?

Nothing! The transmitter currently attached to your meter will be replaced with an AMI transmitter by City staff as part of the roll-out of our citywide upgrade in the coming months and years. The lid of your meter box may be replaced as well. No action is required on your part. 


Do I have to upgrade to AMI?

No. An opt out option will be available. Please sign up using the form on the right if you would like to learn more about the program or ways to opt out.


How do I access the Eye on Water portal?

CLICK HERE to learn how.


Will this change the way my water data is collected?

No. There will be no changes to how you are billed for water service.


Is my information private?

Yes. The only data transmitted are your radio number, dial number, and your meter reading. Personal customer information is not transmitted.


Who is paying for AMI?

The City of Petaluma has received grant funding from the Department of Water Resources (DWR) to help with the transition to AMI. This funding will be applied toward the cost of the new meters and their installation.


How can I read my meter?

Once an AMI meter is installed, you can continue to read your meter as usual. CLICK HERE to learn more about how to read your water meter.


Will AMI interfere with devices in my home?

No. The wireless portions of the system are operated according to Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules, and will not interfere with other radio frequencies in the area.


What kind of signal does AMI use?

The radio devices, which are attached to the meters, transfer the service data via wireless signal. The energy exposure from an automated meter’s radio signal or radio frequency (RF) is significantly less than common household devices, including cell phones, laptops, microwaves, baby monitors and internet routers. It is also important to understand that automated meters only transmit signals four times a day for less than a fraction of a second each time, unlike household devices that often transmit continuously, such as those in the image below.

The devices do not exceed health and safety standards set by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for energy emission levels. CLICK HERE to learn more.

AMI Energy Emissions Comparison

Photo courtesy of the City of Santa Barbara



Image of water meter

Questions or Concerns?

Please sign up below if you would like to learn more about the program, ask questions, or receive information on ways to opt out.

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