Caulfield Bridge Crosstown Connector Project

Project Description

The Caulfield Bridge Crosstown Connector Project will construct a new 500-foot drawbridge over the Petaluma River, connecting Crystal Lane at Petaluma Boulevard South to Caulfield Lane at Bautista Way for people walking, bicycling, and driving. The Caulfield Bridge would provide more direct access between southeast and southwest Petaluma, relieving traffic congestion on existing crosstown connectors, such as D and E. Washington Streets, and improving emergency response times.

Project Updates

City Council Update - June 17, 2024

Our team presented a project update to City Council, summarizing key design developments related to circulation and roadway improvements, bridge type and design, and bridge amenities. Community engagement will continue later this year through 1) circulation of the draft environmental document for public comment, and 2) our first round of proposed circulation improvements and bridge renderings.

Meeting Materials

Neighborhood Meeting - May 30, 2024

Our team held a meeting with the Riverfront neighborhood to provide an update on the project, answer questions, and seek feedback on bridge design and aesthetics, amenities, and traffic circulation. The meeting was noticed through postcards and doorhangers distributed to all homes, as well as signs posted in the neighborhood. 

Meeting Materials


Our team introduced the project to and sought feedback from the City’s Pedestrian and Bicycle Advisory Committee, with a focused discussion on the bicycle and pedestrian components of the project, including connectivity to/from the bridge and sidewalk/lane widths on the bridge.

Meeting Materials

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Thanks for joining us at our Open House on October 17! Our project team is compiling and summarizing all of the feedback we received regarding the bridge design, amenities, and bicycle/pedestrian accommodations at the Open House and through our survey, which ran through November 19.

Open House Materials

City Council Authorizes Next Phase of Work for Caulfield Bridge

May 15, 2023 - City Council unanimously approved a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Mark Thomas, Inc., an engineering firm based out of San Jose with extensive experience designing complex public works projects, including several moveable bridges in the Sacramento area.

The Agreement includes all remaining work needed to bring the project to shovel-ready status, including community outreach, environmental and other regulatory approvals and permits, and engineering/design.


Feasibility Report for Caulfield Bridge Completed

November 22, 2021 - AECOM submitted its feasibility report to the City, which included 1) confirmation of the Caulfield Bridge footprint, 2) preliminary feedback from US Coast Guard, 3) confirmation that the necessary right-of-way is available to build the bridge, 4) potential floodway impacts, 5) preliminary engineering assessments, and 6) an environmental review/permitting strategy. AECOM's report recommended a double-leaf bridge and produced a $48.5 million cost estimate (assuming a construction start date in 2025/26).


In an effort to improve and create crosstown connections to overcome the City's three major physical barriers--the River, the Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit railroad tracks, and US Highway 101--the City has long envisioned a new "Southern Crossing" that would connect its southwest and southeast. An early study evaluating river crossing alternatives was completed in 2006, with the proposed Caulfield alignment chosen based on its anticipated 1) cost-effectiveness and 2) compatibility with established City rights-of-way and avoidance of impacts on developed private properties.

The City's General Plan 2025, adopted in 2008, calls for the addition of two new crosstown connectors, including the Caulfield Bridge/Southern Crossing, in order to mitigate increased traffic anticipated from population and job growth. It also recognizes the importance that a new crossing would play in facilitating mobility for all modes of travel, as well as emergency response.

Project Manager

Bjorn Griepenburg, Project Manager

Tentative Timeline

  • Environmental Review, Design, & Permitting (In Progress): 2023 - 2025*
  • Bridge Fabrication & Installation: 2025 - 2027*
  • Bridge Opening: 2028*

*All dates are tentative and subject to design considerations, funding, and project approvals:


The Environmental Review, Design, and Permitting phase is funded through developer contributions and traffic mitigation impact fees. The construction phase would require additional funding from undetermined sources, potentially including grants and impact fees.

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